Untitled Part 34

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Cathy, Duke and my mom spent the whole day at the treatment center with Dior. By the time they got back home it was early evening.

Mom sat on my bed and told me everything. She rubs her neck, "Betsy sweetie I'm going to bed I am mentally worn out." I watch the dark circles under her eyes grow darker by the second.

"Ok mom." I sit next to her. My eyebrows draw together. "Wait, weren't supposed to go home today?" My days have blended together with all the drama and chaos going on.

"Yes, sorry I forgot to tell you. I changed my flight. I want to be here to help Cathy. She's so upset." She looks at me with a pained gaze.

"That's good mom I'll take a few more days with you here." I lift the corner of my lip. I watch my mom, she has an empty stare. I've never seen her like this before. Mom works a lot, but she always seemed to stay positive and happy. But sitting here right now in my room she doesn't seem to be herself.

A light knock on the door draws our attention. Cathy pushes the door open and leans against the door frame. "Betsy aren't you going out tonight?" Her once lively eyes are now puffy and bloodshot.

"No. Sophia, Dylan and I were going to hang out here, is that ok with you?" It never crossed my mind that maybe we should have gone somewhere else tonight.

"Yes of course. Duke and I are retiring for the night. It's been a long day. You guys have a great evening and I'll see you next year." Cathy tries to laugh at her own joke but fails miserably.

Mom places her hand on my knee. "I'm going to bed also. Good night Betsy see you in the morning." Wrapping her arms around me tightly. I think this time I'm squeezing her broken pieces back together.

"Good night mom I love you, get some sleep." I watch my mom walk out of my room and can't help but worry about her. I'm over thinking everything my mom is a strong woman I'm sure she's just tired. A quiver takes over my stomach. The door bell rings through the house bringing me back to reality.

Sophia and I sit on the bottom step fidgeting with our hands. I watch Sophia's leg jerking up and down. I lay my hand on her knee and squeeze. We were in my room, but her anxiety forced me to bring her closer to the door.

"What time are they going to be here?" Sophia asks, her voice higher than normal.

"Relax, they will..." DING DONG "be here." I finish from over my shoulder. I extend my hand towards the door while Sophia jumps up and down clapping her hands.

We exchange a knowing look. "Get yourself together lady." She clenches her teeth, a wide smile takes over her face.

"Happy New Year's Eve babe," Dylan cheers then dips down pressing his lips on mine, quick but full of love. Every time I see him, I still can't believe he's mine, he choose me. A smile takes over my face.

"Betsy I'd like you to meet Jason. Jason this is my girl." Dylan steps behind me, wraps his around my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder. "I don't think I got to introduce you two the night of the gala." Jasmine and a slight mint takes over my nose, I smile from the inside out.

"It's nice to official met you Jason, please come in." Dylan and Jason could be twins except Dylan's taller and Jason's eyes are golden brown. Their both wearing jeans and not skinny jeans thank you. Dylan's red thermal shirt makes his eyes stand out even more.

"Hi." Sophia says softly. She gives a small wave.

"Hey Sophia." Jason's golden eyes sparkle. "How are you?"

"Great." Sophia and Jason fall into a deep conversation, they walk into the living room away from us.

"Well that seems to be going good." I giggle.

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