Untitled Part 18

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Nate's house is just like the last party, cars and people everywhere. Actually, I lied I think there's more people here tonight. Sophia opens her door, extending her leg out of her car. I twist in my seat, grabbing her arm, "Sophia wait." She looks over her shoulder at me. "I don't want what happened last time to happen tonight." I give her my pleading eyes.

"Me neither. You and I have a buddy system, everyplace you go I go and vice a versa. Got it." I nod.

The same loud energy rushes out of the house as soon as we open the front door. I was right, there's way more people here tonight. Sophia takes my hand, "we are drinking though, right." She winks.

"Yeah, but only a few." We laugh making our way through the crowd of people. Sophia is very social tonight, I stand next to her gripping her shirt, so we don't get separated. I smile, nodding every once in a while, mostly because I can't hear a word anyone is saying.

"Hi." A velvety voice moves from my back trailing along my ear. Electrifying volts explode through my body. There's only one voice that my body reacts to like that.

I smile, standing very still. "Hi." It comes out more like a hush.

"You look beautiful tonight I was admiring you from a far for a few minutes before I decided to come over." The ground below me shifts. I want to turn around to see his beautiful green eyes, but I stand still letting the excitement build. His breath rushing through my hair. "Shit." He grumbles.

"Where have you..." Dior's shrill voice rips me back to reality. I quickly glance over my shoulder, he's gone. My eyes dart around the crowd glancing back and forth over my shoulders.

"What do you think Betsy?" Sophia's voice is loud.

"What..." did that just happen or was I dreaming. I swear he was standing right behind me.

Sophia puts her hands on her hips, dipping her face inches from mine. "I asked like five times, if you want to play beer pong with Vonn and everyone." Ugh creepy guy. Well, Sophia seems ok with him, so I'll give him another chance.

"Yeah sure sounds like fun." I scan the room on more time, Sophia pulls me through the crowd.

We walk into a parlor. I didn't get to see this part of the house at the last party. In the middle of the room sits a large pool table, black leather chairs are scattered around. Deep cherry wood covers the walls creating a barrier so that the music isn't as loud in here, you can hold a conversation.

A guy's voice says, "come on girls let's play." I turn my head to his direction, it's Jax. His gray eyes staring down at me, a grin stretches over his face. He bends over the pool table to line up red cups, his eyes watching me to entire time. My cheeks tingle. Vonn's tossing a ping pong ball up into the air and catching, repeatedly. The room is full of people who are engaged in their own things.

"Who's on whose team?" Vonn asks.

"I pick Betsy." My head slowly turns, a mega smile appears across Jax's face. My eyes met Sophia's she gives me reassuring nod.

"Um...ok." I take a side step closer to Jax.

"Great Sophia and I will kick your asses." Vonn mocks. "Betsy you and Jax can go first. We got this won." He gives Sophia a high five. It's awesome to see Sophia laughing and having fun without that asshole near her. Her relaxed face helps to keep me calm. That was until I realized I have no idea how to play this game.

I rapidly poke Jax on the shoulder, "I hope you know I have no clue how to play." A laugh builds up from his belly, as he explained the game to me. I watch his animated expression thinking he seems nice and is so good lucking. Every time he moves his muscles flex against his tight tee shirt.

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