Untitled Part 6

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Sun rays warm my face I rub my eyes with the side of my hand. Stretch my arms out and point my toes. My eyes pop open, rapidly darting, scanning the room. I exhale, ok everything wasn't a dream. I fold my comforter down and climb out of bed, then bend over to make my bed, I attempt to reposition the throw pillows but give up half way through. My head tilts towards my bathroom, I nod, a warm shower always wakes me up.

I dry off with a heavy white towel and drape my fuzzy robe around me. I sashay across the room towards my closet. Pulling open the double doors I illuminate the room. My eyes blink then go wide as a large grin grows over my face. Each fixture on the ceiling is perfectly positioned to cast direct lighting on my new wardrobe. I walk further in, caressing each new shirt until I select a satin white cami. Next, I change direction and take a few steps closer to scan my new jeans, picking distressed capris. I walk to the back wall of shoes and run my fingers over each pair as if they're talking to me. Finally, I grab the army green Jimmy Choo heels and step into them. I check my reflection in the mirror and nod with approval, as I float out the door and make my way down the long hallway towards the staircase.

I found the it without getting lost, my subconscious jumps for joy, I smile with pride. The bright sunroom is nestled in the back corner of the house. A giant archway gives the illusion of a doorway. The sliding glass doors are completely opened allowing a slight breeze to move through the room.

My aunt is sitting on a contemporary white couch, she tilts her head up. "Good morning or I mean good afternoon," she giggles, putting her down iPhone.

I squint at my watch, 12:30. "I was really tired both emotionally and physically." I mumble. My brows pinch as I recall yesterday only seeing my aunt and a few members of the house staff. "Cathy where is everyone at?" I ask as I sit on the edge of the couch. Rays of sunlight warm my arm. A slight breeze brushes over my warmed arm causing a shiver to run up my spin.

"Duke is working like always, he's a very busy man and Dior's at the lake house with her friends. She should be home any day now. You girls have school starting soon." Bam, the front door slams shut.

"I'm home mommy, are you here?" Shrills a voice that echoes through the house and me.

"Sooner than I thought." Cathy says to me with a hushed voice. "In here Dior," she calls over her shoulder with joy in her voice.

Dior sprints in wearing a baby blue tee and short shorts. Her long wild black hair flowing behind her. In a quick motion she jumps in her mom's lap with her back towards me. Her long skinny arms flare in the air, before she wraps them around her mom. Cathy squeals with excitement.

"I missed you so much." Dior kisses and hugs her mom. "I feel like I've been gone forever." Dior lays her head on her mom's shoulder. "Mom, we had a killer vacation at the lake." Dior talked so fast without taking a breath, I thought she'd run out of air and fall over. Except, I was wrong she kept talking and talking. "The girls and I laid out every day, we got the best tan ever, see." Lifting her tee to show her golden belly. I cringe, she's so skinny, there's not a once of fat or extra skin anywhere on her.

Cathy clears her throat. "Dior aren't you going to say hello to your cousin Betsy?" She arches her brows and nods her head in my direction.

Dior shifts on her mom's lap, finally realizing there's someone else in the room. Her clear blue icy eyes scan me up and down. "Oh, Betsy hi. I totally forgot you were going to be here. How are you?" Her cold uncaring vibe takes over the once warm and cozy sunroom.

"I'm good, thanks for asking." I respond quietly. I'm not going to ask her any questions that require a response, I don't want to reopen the flood gate of chatter. Dior continues to scowl at me with narrow eyes. I wring my hands in my lap. The strange and uncomfortable silence lingered in the air.

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