Ch.2 Cousin Woes

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Okay so cousin Rene was nothing like I remembered her.

Of course we were both seven and I was scarred by the memory of her biting me on the arm during a game of tag. But still!

New Rene was quiet but pretty. She had a devious look in her eye when she smiled at me.

Up to no good. Still old Rene.

"Come on up to my room. I have stuff to show you!" She said in a fake cheery voice. I saw right through it. But her parents and my Dad practically pushed us up there.

The second she closed the door she dropped the cute attitude.

"We're totally sneaking out of here in ten minutes." She grumbled.

I raised an eyebrow and watched her go to her mattress and dig deep. When she pulled back she had a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

Was I surprised? No. A little annoyed now? Yes.

"Want one?" She offered as she lit one for herself.

I shook my head. "I have asthma."

That I did. But I hadn't had an asthma attack in years. I didn't even carry an inhaler.

She shrugged and went over to the window to sit and smoke.

"How exactly do you plan to sneak out when we have to eat dinner in half an hour?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes. "I forget you're a goody two shoes." She said with a smirk.

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"More like I know you wouldn't make it twenty feet off the property before JC knew." I said as I sat down in a free chair.

I did not like her at all.

I yawned lowly and crossed my arms. "Look. I don't care what you do. I'm not a snitch. I just won't be going with you."

She smiled before she turned back to the window. "Okay girl."


Somehow Rene convinced my Dad to let me stay the night over at her house. He happily agreed because he said it would be great for us to spend time together.

I however wanted nothing to do with it.

I definitely did not want to be in a car heading to whatever mess she was about to drag me into. I only agreed because she managed to make me feel like I wasn't fun enough.

I was really only going just to make sure she didn't die or anything.

"Where are we going?" I yelled over the song she was playing.

"This party!"

She smiled as she sped up down the relatively empty road. "Its like at this biker club. I'm friends with one of the girls there."

A biker club. Jeez...

We pulled up into a parking lot twenty minutes later. The whole place looked sketchy and I definitely couldn't stay in the car.

There were very big men sitting around outside some standing by the many bikes waiting in the parking lot.

They looked very intimidating but Rene looked unbothered so I choose to mask the fear.

"Don't worry Ms. Priss I won't let anyone carry you off." Rene joked in a low voice as we walked up.

I rolled my eyes, at this moment I wanted to melt her in her spot but I wouldn't let her get to me.

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