Ch.20 Moving Day

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We started moving the little things over like pots and pans and a good majority of our clothes the day after we got the keys.

But the following weekend was actual moving day.

Ezra had a few guys from the club come over and they went to work. He made me sit the whole time at the new house and I basically organized clothes and directed where other stuff would go.

He was so serious about me not lifting a finger this pregnancy.

I couldn't complain though.

Also that day we had the people who would install the gates to the pool come, along with the security company. So it was very busy in the house. There was so much traffic I had to put Zeus in the upstairs bathroom because he was freaking out so much.

By mid day Lydia came over and helped me organize the kitchen. Tilly was here, but Raegan was taking her nap at home. Lydia had the baby monitor and of course Avery was at home so there was no issues.

And my mother came with May and Ollie as well. Which was nice I hadn't gotten to see much of her in the last few weeks since we had been home.

Ron was running for re-election and things were very busy on her end. We made a deal to text every single day though and we were sticking to it.

"Lari you have a belly!" Ollie exclaimed when he saw my stomach.

I picked him up and kissed his cheek. "Yes. I'm having babies. Remember, they are your nephews." I told him.

He leaned down and ran his car along my belly. I guess he was more interested in it being a toy.

When he saw Tilly he got down and ran off with her. "I don't think he gets the concept yet." Mom laughed.

We hugged and then I introduced her to Lydia who was a little star struck. I think I forgot to tell her my mother was married to the Govenor. Oh well I tended to forget about that.

"Have you thought of any names?" She asked as she went to work helping us clean and put stuff away.

"One is going to be named after Ezra automatically, right now that's baby A but who ever is born first will have his name. But also we're adding to his first name so we're thinking Gabriel. Then Noah for Baby B and then our singleton I'm thinking Mateo but we are going back and forth with it."

All of them we're going to have atleast one of their grandfather's names in their middle names. It was all just a matter of fitting it in.

Like one big puzzle piece.

I heard Ezra's voice and I stepped away to tell him that Security had come and installed everything.

We had cameras in the front, the side, the backyard, in the playroom, the kitchen and the living room. We needed all the eyes we could get.

"Okay, that's good. Are you hungry?"

I'm always hungry, but I shook my head we could eat later I had snacks and I didn't want him to stop everything because of me.

I shook my head, "No, we can eat later."

He nodded reluctantly and leaned over to kiss my cheek. "Okay. Well I have like two loads left and then we should be done. Call me if you need anything."

I reached up and wiped away some sweat on his face. "Don't worry about me Bear."


Having my mother and Lydia over was a huge help. I knew where like general things went but to make a household efficient? That I needed help on.

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