Ch.1 My Godfather

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Conversation and the smell of cigar smoke floated down the hallway as I crept towards the garage door.

I was trying to sneak out. If successful I would be able to go to this party with my friends and be back within a reasonable time.

I might even be abl-


I jumped with a small squeak and whirled around to see my bodyguard JC standing there.

He had an amused look in his eyes but a frown on his face.

"It is 9 o'clock at night and I do not recall having any late-night outings planned for you today." He said as he crossed his arms.

I tried to fight my eye roll and walked away from him back into the house.

"I can't do anything..." I grumbled to myself. Guess that party wasn't happening tonight.

"You can do things. Just with the proper protection granted your father and I know where you are at all times." JC said as he followed.

"Yes, mother. I know the drill." I huffed.

The chatter in the living room had stopped so I knew I would probably get a lecture from Daddy tomorrow. Fun.

I heard footsteps come from the Den and I groaned inwardly. More like lecture today.

"Alara what are you doing up sweetheart?" My Dad said in a calm tone. I couldn't read him just by his voice. I needed to see his face to know how much trouble I was in.

I plastered an innocent smile on my face and turned around to face him.

He had on just a white dress shirt with the top buttons undone and grey trousers. He didn't have a frown but he did raise his eyebrow.

Yeah, I wasn't getting trouble.

I was a Daddy's girl period. I could do no wrong.

"Callie asked if I could hang out with her at her house tonight. You were busy and I didn't want to bother you and your guest. You know her parents do not mind." I said as I leaned to the side against the bannister.

JC rolled his eyes behind Daddy. He saw through my princess act easily. It was like he knew all my tricks in the book.

Well... he had too. He's been my body guard since I was three years old.

Daddy sighed and walked to the base of the steps.

"Callie will have to wait till next week Darling. You are going with me to Texas tomorrow." He kissed the top of my head even though I was frowning.

"Daddy, why am I going to Texas?"

I did not want anything to do with that hot sticky weather. Plus I'd be stuck in a hotel room all day. No fun in that.

Daddy reached up and pulled on my ear. "You are getting older and I'm not getting any less busy. I want to spend time with you before you end up going off to college next year."

Okay... that melted me.

It was just us. After my mother left Daddy devoted himself to work and me. I knew my mother had hurt him but he would never show it.

He was too strong for that.

But he always had love for me, he always had time.

"I guess I will go pack my stuff then." I said with a soft smile.

He winked before he leaned forward and kissed the top of my head. "Do not stay up too late my love."

"I won't. Goodnight Daddy."

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