Ch.45 BMO

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Cyrus had some business to attend to so when I left to meet up with Sophia he left too.

He went out through the main lobby and I ducked out through the service elevator and parking garage. I didn't like all that attention and there were way more reporters today camping out front.

He could handle that, I just got way too nervous.

"You are seriously serving looks these days." Sophia told me when she came and found me in the mall. I had stopped inside of the Louis Vuitton store to look at the bags. At first the store clerks paid me no mind. They probably thought I was a regular teenager just looking.

But then one of my security approached me to tell me about my sister's arrival.

That's when they started hovering. It was a little irritating and I was glad my sister was here.

"Thanks." I said as I kissed her cheek.

I was wearing a black off the shoulder shirt tucked into flowy white pants and some platform sandals.

The shoes were actually Sophia's but I kind of snatched them before I left. She didn't even notice.

She looked cute too, she was wearing a light pink sundress, had her hair up and was wearing a pair of white Van's. It was very Sophia.

"So I wake up and everyone is tagging me thinking that it's me who is with The Prince." She giggled as we walked around.

"I figured they would, you already have a huge following." I murmured. There was really nothing I liked here so we left the store and continued on.

"I quickly set the record straight on that one cause no offence but I still don't care for him." She said with a huff.

I rolled my eyes, she's hilarious. "None taken beans."

She frowned. "Why are you so relaxed. Like... you're more zen than usu-" she gasped and narrowed her eyes at me.

"What in the world you weirdo?" I stepped a little bit away from her cause she was being a weirdo. I should be used to it after all these years but I really wasn't.

"You got dicked down. You're like... walking around all lighter. With a little pep in your step." She whispered.

I rolled my eyes. "I did not you nutcase."

"Oh you so did. Mills texted me last night and told me Juice got you drunk. And you're always such a weird horny badger when you're drunk." She continued to whisper.

Oh my gosh are we really discussing this right now? We are in public.

"Not that it's any of your business-"

"It is." She rolled her eyes.

"We didn't sleep together. We just went down on each other." I said nonchalantly, but quietly. You never know who's just listening.

Sophia's eyes widened to a comical extreme. "How is thi- have you done this before?"

"Have you guys been messing around this whole time? This is why you're so okay with going back." She grumbled.

I stopped and pulled her off to the side. "Sophia. I love you, but you have to chill. My sex life, and my relationship with Cyrus is off limits for discussion."

"I'm your sister, that's not fair." She huffed. Here we go... she was gonna pull the dramatic card.

"And it's not fair for you to judge me either. Cy and I are married, I am allowed to do things. Besides, we've talked about it. It's not like we love each other or anything." I said as we started walking.

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