Ch.3 The Card

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I woke up to the windows open, the sun shining in my eyes.

Cringing I turned over onto my other side and blinked away the crustyness.

It was only when I had really become conciousness I realised that I was in Texas, I was still in a ton of trouble and I really did not like Rene.

I brought my other hand up to my face and found that I had been holding onto something. My hand hurt as I unfurled it to reveal a business card.

I realized that it had been the card Ezra handed me last night. I flipped it over and it was all black with his number in white letters.

The other side said nothing.


I grabbed my phone and typed it in.

'Thank you again for bringing me home again.'

I hesitated for a second. Why was I texting this man? Especially after JC had told me all those things about him.

You know what? JC doesn't really know what he's talking about. Ezra was really nice to me. The least I could do is thank him.

I sent it then got up to get ready.

I took a much needed shower, got my life together and when I came back my phone light was blinking with a waiting message.

A hint of excitement bubbled up in my stomach as I reached out for my phone.

But before I could there was a knock on my door.

"Come in." I answered as I sat down and started brushing out my hair. It was most likely Daddy or JC. No one else would bother me.

It was Daddy. He still looked stressed out but a lot more calmed down than last night.

"I wanted to check up on you sweetheart. Last night was not a good night for either of us." He said as he kissed the top of my head.

I nodded and wrapped my arms around him. I loved my Dad he was truly all I had in this world. No body had me like he had me.

"I have spoken to Rene and she is very aware of how angry I am. She apologizes for leaving you."

I sighed heavily. I could have been kidnapped or worse. It would take me a lot to let that go.

We talked for a little while longer then. Then he sighed, "I also wanted to speak with you about something else."

"What's that?" I asked as I laid back.

"I didn't bring you down here just to see family. I actually wanted you to see where you will be living for the next few months."

I frowned and looked over at him. "Dad... living? What are you talking about. Our home is in New york."

He nodded and clasped his hands together with a heavy sigh. "Yes. Our home is in New York but for the next few months I need you to be where you are safest and that is here."

"Me? Wait. Are you not coming too?" I felt like a weight had been dropped on my shoulders.

"You are safest here in your Godfather's care." He said after a moment of silence.

"No. I- Dad I don't want you to leave me here." I started to tear up, why was this happening. I feel like I'm going to panic a little.

"Alara, it's only going to be for a few months. Just until I can be sure that your safety is where I want it to be."

He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. "Sweet heart I understand that this is a big adjustment for you. But I would never be away from you if I could help it."

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