Ch.32 I'm Okay

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"Mom I can drive. Just get into the passenger seat. You're not okay." Charlie argued with me when we got to the car.

I knew he was trying to help. But he wasn't.

"Charlie. I love you sweety I do, and I know you're trying to help. But if you do not get in the car right now I'm going to fight you." I hissed as I rocked on my feet.

Oh crap... these contractions were really close. And I didn't have the best track record with long labors.

I need to find Ezra, and... I need to get home before I had this baby.

Once my contraction was over I called Lizzy. "Its baby time?" She squealed.

"Yes. I'm at the boy's school and headed back to the house right now. Actually... I gotta go by Ezra's job." I said as I climbed into the car.

He still wasn't answering the phone and his job was about fifteen minutes from here. Then ten minutes from there to the house.

"Lara just come to the house. I'll have Ivar get him." Lizzy said.

Yes... that sounded rational. But then I remembered Ivar was like... in Fort Worth today.

"Its fine. I'm closer. I'll be at the house in twenty five minutes." I told her before I hung up.

I put the truck in reverse and started backing up.

"We're gonna die." I heard someone whisper.

"Shut up." I growled. Then I caught myself. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I love you. I love you all." I said trying to seem cheery.

But a quick glance in my rear view mirror showed that none of them were convinced.


"Uhhhhhhhh." I groaned loudly as I drove. Another contraction hit me eight minutes after we had pulled out of the school parking lot. Okay... we had time. We had time.

We were almost to Ezra's job.

"Mom... please pull over!" Charlie cried.

"Ahhhhhh." Was the only thing I could say. My knuckles were practically white from how hard I was gripping the steering wheel.

"I'm okay." I breathed. It was winding down in intensity. It still hurt like so badly... but it was coming down.

When I pulled into the parking lot of Ezra's building I couldn't believe I had gotten us here.

"Charlie get my purse and the keys." I breathed as I got out. I didn't have the brain power to grab them. I was set on one mission and that was finding my husband.

It was probably a hilarious sight to see a five foot pregnant woman with her four very tall teenaged sons trailing behind her like puppies.

People definitely moved out of the way for me. One man practically jumped out of the elevator to make space for us.

"Why is it taking so long!" I yelled. It felt like it was taking hours for us to climb to the fifth floor of this stupid building.

"I kept pressing the button but someone pressed the button on the third floor." Gabriel said nervously.

When the doors opened a contraction hit me hard. Like nearly took me all the way out. There were three men in business suits waiting to get on and I glared at them angrily.

"Take the next one!"

I turned and gripped the railing tightly. "Fuck!" I yelled.

The doors closed and we continued up. This time the doors opened on the right floor.

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