Ch.48 I will Survive

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I'd changed into different clothes before we landed. The public wouldn't see me but Cyrus would.

I put on a dark blue dress and a loose blue hijab to match it. It wasn't black but it would have to do. All of my stuff was back home in Texas or here in Persia already.

Funnily enough the whole ride to the palace the song 'I will Survive' was playing on repeat in my head.

It was strange for a song but it was true. I would survive this.

"His majesty will receive you in his office." Malia said when we got to the Palace. I was practically hurried through the halls, it was important that people who couldn't keep their mouths shut not see me. Which... was everyone.

We went to a wing that I had never been down and at the end of the hallway were dark wood oak doors that two guards stood infront of.

They opened them for me and I had to fight everything in me to not stumble through them. I held my head up high and walked as best as I could in the heels.

Cyrus was sitting at the desk that had once been his fathers. He looked very deep in thought. But when he looked up to see me some of it relaxed away.

He stood up and buttoned his suit jacket.

"Hello my love." He said as he met me in the middle.

I hugged him tight and then we kissed. "I'm sorry I couldn't speak to you when they came to get you this morning." He said as he stroked my cheek gently.

My eyes were probably red from crying. His were a swirl of emotions that I couldn't decipher.

"Its okay. I know you were handling more important stuff."

I reached up to wrap my hand around his and squeezed. "I'm so sorry Cyrus."

He closed his eyes, "None of that matters now that you are safe in my arms baby girl."

He hugged me tight and kissed the top of my head. "Cy he was your Dad... I know you guys didn't have the best relationship but it is okay to grieve." I whispered.

"I have done my grieving. Long before he died." He said as he stepped back.

He turned slightly still holding onto me. I couldn't see what he had grabbed but he stepped back slightly, then went down on one knee in front of me.

"I know you never got a proper proposal. But that was a forced relationship that my father concocted. This between us now is true. I love you, I adore you, and I'd do anything for you my love."

"Will you marry me?" He asked me as he opened the ring box that I had quickly realized he had been holding.

I gasped lowly. Oh my gosh...

This... I did not expect.

"Yes." I answered quickly before he thought I was going to say no. I covered my mouth with one hand and gasped again, Cyrus just proposed.

Like... real proposed. Not kidnapped me proposed.

He looked relieved and took the ring out of the box. When he slid it onto my finger I leaned forward and kissed him.

"I love you Cyrus. I love you so much."

He kissed me back with a smile. "I love you too sweetheart. I love you with all I have."


All of my things were moved back into my original bedroom. It wasn't proper for me to stay with Cyrus until we were married. Which... technically we were.

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