Ch.8 Pizza

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I stayed with my Dad for two days after. In that time I spent time with my mother. I had yet to meet her family, but I understood that her husband knew about me. It was baby steps. Baby steps.

On the third day though I spent the day with my brother. I felt good, because it had been so long where it was just us being brother and sister. I really did miss him. And now that everything was out in the open he promised to see me more often.

That night I went home to my grandmother's house. Dad flew back to Aspen to finish business, but he would be back later in the week.

It was a quiet evening and I was sitting on the porch with my grandmother. A mug of tea in my lap and my head on her shoulder I was just trying to soak up the peace.

"Nana... is all the things that people say about Ezra true?" I asked her.

She stopped knitting and sighed lowly.

"Ezra is a very complex person. I have had the privilege of watching him grow from a baby, to a boy, to a man."

"While I do not deny his involvement in things that I do not approve of... He is a good man. And he cares greatly for you. I have never seen him spare another woman a glance."

I blushed deeply as she looked down at me. "Your father told me how he saw you both kiss othe other day. He was not very happy about it."

She set her knitting aside. "But when is he ever not grumbling about something?"

I giggled, she was right. Daddy did have his moments.

"But back to your question. It is true. Ezra is who he is. He knows how to seperate his lives."

I heard the familiar crunch of gravel coming down the road. Who was that? We weren't expecting anyone.

Nana started to gather up her stuff.

"Who is that?" I asked her as she got up. A familiar black truck appeared and she smiled. "Well who else would come visit an old woman and her granddaughter?"

I looked back and Ezra was getting out of his truck.

"Hi Ms. Alana." He greeted.

She smiled and waved, "Hi sweety."

I got up from the porch swing. My smile was practically breaking my face. I hurriedly kicked on my crocs and flew down the steps into his waiting arms.

Being in his arms made me feel like life halted to a stand still. I wanted so badly to just kiss him again but I showed some restraint.

"Do you want to step out for a bit with me?" He asked when I pulled back from our hug.

I nodded immediately, "Yeah. Let me go change."

I wiggled for him to let me down but he held fast. "You look fine the way you are." He told me.

A giggle bubbled up in my throat. "Ezra I'm wearing crocs."

"I like em." He said indifferently.

Oh my gosh. I turned my head back to Nana. "Can I go?" I asked.

"Of course I'm not your father." She called back.

I laughed, "I swear they get on each other's nerves."

He walked over to the passenger side and put me in the car. When he closed the door he said something to Nana and she nodded.

I swear she was the coolest grandmother.

His car smelled so much like him. If I ever found his cologne I was so going to spray myself in it.

When he got in I curled myself up so that I was facing him slightly. I kind of always did that when I wasn't driving. Truthfully I loved being driven around. You saw more.

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