Ch.23 Brotherly love

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I heard Ezra curse loudly for the fourth time and I covered Tilly's ears. "Don't repeat a word that he says." I whispered to her.

"Daddy says it all the time." Tilly giggled.

Lydia narrowed her eyes. "Oh does he?"

I laughed softly and walked out to the garage to check on them. Ezra was in the back of the Tahoe trying to figure out how to install the bases to the carseats. I told him that we could wait to do that but he insisted.

"You gotta push it in man." Bones said from the outside. He was holding the instruction and a beer bottle.

"Is that not what the fuck I'm doing?" I heard Ezra snap.

Ivar shook his head, he was holding the last base and watching quietly.

Ezra shoved the base one more time in the seat and it clicked loudly. "Finally! Fuck." He grumbled.

"I'm not ever taking those things out either. Not until they outgrow the seats."

"You got one more time to cuss with little ears around Ezra." I said when he got out.

He looked as mad as a hornet. But when he saw me he softened. "I ain't mean it baby. I'll be quieter."

He took the last base from Ivar. "Do you want it behind the left seat or the right?" He asked.

"The left." I said since the seat on the right folded down for a little more storage. I would be in the middle if I was sitting back there with them.

"After you guys are done come eat." I said before I went back in the house.

As I closed the door I could hear Bones laughing. "She got your ass man."

"Shut up.." I heard Ezra grumble.


Ten minutes they came in and we all had dinner.

I was happy that we had such a good family, friends included. The atmosphere we all shared together was just so amazing.

I wouldn't trade any of this for nothing.

Towards the end of dinner the boys started to really move. Like I put my hand on my belly and I could actually feel them moving a little on the outside.

I took Ezra's hand and placed it on my belly not saying a word. He caressed it like always but I guided his hand to the right where someone was poking around there and I pressed down.

It took a few seconds but one of my baby boys poked out. It was so subtle, if you weren't concentrating you would miss it. But it was like a gentle little poke and Ezra's whole attention shot to my belly.

"Did you feel that?" I whispered.

He turned to face me fully and looked down at my belly. "That's them?"

I nodded, "Its Noah, he moves around the most."

I took his other hand and moved it to my left side. "And Mateo is wiggling a little too. I don't know if you can feel him so much though." I said softly.

Noah poked again and Ezra's eyes lit up. "Hey buddy." He whispered.

I glanced up and everyone was watching us with smiles. Ezra was so adorable I swear.

I poked a little bit under Noah and he wiggled immediately. "I think he hates when I do that." I laughed softly.

"It always gets Gabriel riled up too." I murmured as I started to feel flutters down there. One twin gets moving the other follows.

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