Ch.6 The Night light

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I think I slept for about two hours. The clock beside his bed said two am.

His door was cracked and I could hear the sound of a TV playing lowly in the living room. Plus I could see the light. I felt really bad that he had to sleep out there.

So I did something dumb and got out of bed.

His floors were cold under my bare feet so I hurried to where he was. I almost gasped when the TV light revealed he was sleeping shirtless.

Tattoos covered his chest, I couldn't hardly see any bare skin...

And his muscles... like wow.

Alara! Focus.

"Ezra." I whispered.

His light snoring stopped and he opened his eyes almost immediately to look up at me.

I felt really bad now.

"What's wrong?" He mumbled as he sat up.

He stretched and some of his muscles cracked. "Can you stay with me?" I whispered.

"I don't like to sleep alone... I'm scared of the dark." I whispered.

Which I was... as childish as it sounded. I had a little mermaid night light that went practically everywhere with me. I threw a fit one time when the light bulb in it stopped working.

He scratched his chest sleepily and then groaned lowly. "Baby girl I can't share a bed with you. I'm a grown man."

I blushed deeply when I realized just what I was suggesting.

"I don't have my nightlight with me though."

Why was I such a big baby?

He sighed inwardly and rubbed his face. "How about I stay with you till you fall asleep?"

I nodded almost immediately. I could live with that.

We went back into his room and I laid down immediately. But he just stood beside the bed rubbing his eyes.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Waiting for you to fall asleep Lara." He mumbled.

"You can't just stand there."

I pointed to the side I hadn't touched. "Come on. I don't bite."

He stood still contemplating actually laying down. I knew he was fighting it, but he was also tired too.

So he crossed over and laid down. He didn't lay down under the comforter but atleast I didn't have to feel bad about him sleeping on that hard couch.

Within a minute or two he was back to snoring and I could finally relax.


I woke up first. My head was on something warm and moving...

It took me 2.5 seconds after I opened my eyes to realise that I was laying my head on Ezra's chest and I had my left leg hooked over his hips.

I also realised that he was wearing just boxers. Not the shorts that my blind self had thought he was wearing.

My cheeks were steadily heating up.

Did I look desperate last night? I mean I had practically begged this man to sleep in the same bed as me. But... he did make me feel so much more safer.

But... I knew I was putting him in a bad position. He probably didn't like me like that and I really needed to get it together.

I moved my head up and he had his eyes closed. By his breathing I could tell he was still sleeping. He had his arm around me, squeezing my waist gently but firmly.

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