Ch.18 Kidding

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My motion sickness subsided a little for the ride to Bones. I guess my excitement overpowered the need to throw up.

"I hope Zeus calmed down a little bit now that he's spent a few months with kids." Ezra said when we pulled up.

He had been worried that Zeus would not be a good fit in our family now that we had a baby on the way. I hoped that he was good too. I couldn't imagine letting go of my baby.

As we got out I spotted little girl toys all over the front yard. Bones had three little girls ranging in ages from one to nine. You would never be able to tell he was a family man from first meeting.

But most guys kept their lives seperate from the club. It was better that way.

When Ezra rang the doorbell Zeus barked from somewhere in the house. I could hear him come running then a bunch of other tiny little footsteps.

"Its Uncle Stone!" A little girl shouted as she threw open the door.

"Hi Tilly." Ezra said as he picked her up. She was the middle child. She was so adorable.

"Ahhh!" The youngest Raegan screeched as she ran for the door.

Zeus was absolutely freaking out. It had taken him a second but when he saw me he went crazy trying to lick us both.

He was going back and forth from whining to panting. "I missed you my baby!" I squeaked as I hugged him.

He licked all over my face and then jumped at Ezra.

"Hi buddy."

Bones came around the corner and smiled when he saw us. "I swear all they do is answer doors like they pay bills."


We stayed for a little at Bones and then headed back home. Zeus could barely sit still the whole ride back. He was so adorable I swear.

Since it was still nice out we took him for a walk. He was excited to be back in his old environment. He kept stopping every feet to sniff around.

"Zeus you don't need to piss in every spot you find." Ezra said with an eyeroll.

"Leave my baby alone." I laughed.

"We're going to be late for your appointment." He reminded me. Of course he wouldn't admit it but he was excited.

"I'm going to miss this place." He murmured as he looked around.

"Why?" I asked.

"We're going to have to move for the baby. Probably somewhere with good schools." He answered.

I frowned, "Babe, I don't think we need to think about that right now. Babies don't take up that much space. Plus I like it here."

He looked unconvinced, "We'll see."

"Zeus you get one more piss and then we go." He declared.

I rolled my eyes, this man I swear.


Mom had the hook up with one of the best ob's in the hospital. It also happened that I would be working here in a few weeks.

I was excited to work while I could too.

"Well you are definitely pregnant, your hcg levels were high in the blood test." Dr. Zao told me as she moved around to get ready for the ultrasound.

"I might be farther a long then I look then." I murmured as I lifted my shirt. I wouldn't be surprised it took a lot for me to put on weight.

I was pretty muscular from dancing. Especially around my abs. Maybe I'd be able to keep my abs this pregnancy.

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