Ch.19 Mac and Cheese

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Dinner was good I ate as much as I liked and didn't feel like I had to puke my guts out which was nice for a change.

The only thing that remotely bothered my nose was the deviled eggs someone had brought over.

I had made such a stank face that Ezra practically hurried me out of the kitchen and to the table. He came back with my plate which had macaroni, yams, and bread on it. All the things that I could tolerate.

"Oh honey. So many carbs is not good for your figure." One of my grandmother's friends said when she spotted my plate.

I've never wanted to cut someone much less an old person even in my life. But in this moment I wanted to take her out and then go back to eating.

Mikey saw the stiff look on my face and stepped in. "I hardly think Alara is worried about her figure seeing as she dances regularly and just got back from Africa where she took care of babies full time."

He played the nice nasty roll very well.

"Oh..." The older woman said before she looked away quickly.

Mikey winked at me and went back to eating.

He was always looking out for me. That's why I loved him.

"I saw murder flash before your eyes when she said that." Mom whispered in my ear as she passed by with her own plate.

I smiled, yeah we were very close to an incident.

Very close.

When Ezra came back I relaxed. He was my ultimate safety. Now he'd definitely check anyone if they said anything about me eating.

I didn't care either way though. I was hungry! Don't mess with me when I'm hungry, pregnant or not.

Towards the end of dinner Ezzy got up and took the little gift bag to Nana and Ms. Cecelia.

Lucy promised me she would film so I could focus on being in the moment.

"What's this?" Ms. Cecelia asked as everyone focused on them. Thankfully they always sat together.

"Its from Lara and I. A very late Mother's Day gift since we were gone for it this year. For the both of you." He said before he stepped back.

Mama C had so many questions but he just prodded her on. "Open it and you'll see." He laughed.

"I don't like all those crazy pop out surprises." I heard her mumble as she set it on the table and pulled out the paper. I kept everything white and simple but added a really cute card.

"Its not very heavy." Nana commented as Mama C reached in. She pulled out the card and handed it to Nana before she went back in.

She frowned and pulled out the bundled up onsie.

"What is it?" Someone asked. Nana opened the card as Mama C unfolded the onsie. Their reaction was almost simultaneous as they both realised what it was.

"You're pregnant!" Mama C yelled. She twisted to look at Ezra and he smiled. "Yup."

She covered her mouth and looked right at me. "Really?"

I swear the happiness on her face just about made me cry. "Yes, I'm due in January. We found out the day before we left Egypt." I told her.

There was so much chatter and excitement I could barely hear but Nana made sure her voice was heard.

"Its twins?!" She yelled.

She must have seen the ultrasound. I giggled as Ezra shook his head and moved forward. Her eyes grew bigger as he pointed out the twins and then our single baby.

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