Ch.24 Patience

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Ezra and Bones arrived along with five other members of the club twenty minutes later.

He stormed up to the front desk and started shooting off questions that the lady couldn't keep up with.

Bones of course being the observant person he was found me on the crowd of people waiting pretty quickly. His eyes were sympathetic, but I didn't want that. I just wanted answers.

"Sir I need some type of name or I can't help you." The receptionist said in a frustrated voice.

Just then the social worker came hurrying out. She found me and I cocked my head smugly. You could hear Charlie's screams really well when the door separating the areas swished closed.

"Can you please come back to keep him calm until his father comes?" The woman pleaded. Her face was beet red from the sheer stress. I'd never been so pleased in my life to see another human being in distress like this.

I stood up, quickly getting the attention of Ezra.

"His father is right there." I said before I started to walk back into the triage area of the ER.

Just as I reached the doors Ezra caught my arm. "Alara I don't know what going on. I'm just as confused as you are!"

I turned my head but didn't look him in the eyes. "We will talk later. Handle your business, you have a son that needs you."

Then I walked into the back.


An hour later we managed to get Charlie bathed, out of the filthy clothes he was in and in a hospital gown that they gave little kids.

So far he had said no words and hung onto me with desperation. I held him back just as tight and sang to him softly to soothe him.

It wasn't until Ezra came back with the social worker that we both tensed up.

Charlie stared fearfully at Ezra and shot a look of pure dislike at the social worker. Atleast I wasn't the only one who hated her.

"Charlie is being released into his father's custody since it has been proven by DNA that he is his child. A police report has been filed and his mother will be found. An emergency petition to suspend her rights has also been filed."

"In the next few days we will work on you having full custody of your son Mr. Maiofe."

She handed over the paperwork and quickly left.

The tension hadn't exactly left with her though. I looked down at Charlie to avoid looking at Ezra.

Charlie was looking at him with the light blue eyes they shared. Only his had fear and anxiety in them.

"Let's go home." Ezra said as he stepped forward.

Charlie instantly buried his face into my chest. He closed his eyes, the frustration building quickly behind them.

"I got him." I murmured as I got up. It was a struggle admittedly but I did it and started walking with him.

When we got out to the waiting room Bones was still there. I forgot we would need him to take her home because we had no carseat for Charlie.

"Thank you Bones." I whispered when I passed by him.

Charlie barely lasted the ride home. He kept jolting awake every time he nodded off.

The poor baby didn't want to even sleep. That's how scared he was...

When we got home I was flat put tired. But I bathed him again, this time I combed out his hair and got it nice and clean. It took three rinses for it to come clean.

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