Ch.27 Bubble of Happiness

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About an hour later the boys were cleared and taken to the nursery where the whole family could see them behind the glass window.

Moose had brought Charlie up too.

"Do you want to meet your baby brothers?" Stone asked as he picked him up.

"Yes." Charlie whispered as he went to the window. The nurses pushed their bassinets up to the window and Stone watched as his face lit up.

"Baby brothers!" She squealed.

Stone kissed his cheek and pointed to the first who was fast asleep. He had an A on his little hat. "That's Gabriel or as Alara likes to call him Moose the Third."

Moose smiled to himself as a few others laughed.

Stone moved on to B who was crying. "This is Noah his twin. He's still not happy about being evicted."

Then lastly C. "And this is Mateo who we might start calling butter ball. He was a whole pound heavier then the twins."

While everyone crowded around for pictures Stone looked down at his little boy. He was so fascinated by his new little brothers. He was going to be an amazing big brother

"Do you love them?" He asked him in Portuguese. He was getting better at English but sometimes he wanted to connect better with him and spoke the language he favored.

"Sim..." He whispered. Charlie wrapped his arms around his neck and laid his head on his chest.

It was crazy to Stone how he had four kids now. Just a little over a year ago he was starting this crazy journey with the love of his life.

Now... here he was and he wouldn't change any of it for the world.


Alara POV

Recovery was a little rough but I had my mother to sit with me and keep me comforted. It was the first I had seen of her all night.

She squeezed my hand and kissed my head. "I remember hearing your first cries. I was so utterly infatuated with you from the start."

"You never forget those cries. Ever."

I wiped a tear away from my eyes and nodded. "I love them so much... I just can't describe it."

She nodded, teary eyed herself. "A mother's love has no limits."

About an hour later after I had a nap I was taken to my room and the boys were already there with Ezra.

Mom saw them briefly before she left us to have our own private time.

I held Mateo and Noah first since Gabriel was still asleep and I had already held him.

Then I nursed them for the first time and that was just magical. I was so glad my milk had started coming in three weeks ago. I think my body just knew they would be coming this soon.

I was so glad they were healthy aswell. Dr. Zhao wanted to keep us for a few days just to monitor me and make sure they gained weight but they were so healthy.

I was relieved to know that I had done my job well.

Well atleast the first part of it.

Gabriel replaced Noah on the breast and he nursed for a little before he fell back asleep. Mateo was the only one who took his job seriously. He nursed for a good ten minutes after his brothers before he tapped out.

"I feel like he wants to keep going but he's tired." I laughed softly.

My little man was having the hardest time keeping his eyes open. I burped him quickly before I laid back.

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