Ch.7 Bubbles

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I leaned forward on my elbows and blew bubbles in my soda. It was childish but I needed something mind numbing.

Anything better than the thought of my parents sitting outside in those SUV's. One of them being a mother who I had never met before. Well... other than my birth but that doesn't count. She left three days after.

Or so Daddy says.

"So uh... Stone... that's a thing now?"

I looked up from my bubbles and at my brother through my eyelashes. He was sitting with his arms crossed and a confused frown.

I shrugged. "Kind of."

"Monkey... kind of is having feelings for someone. You full on kissed that man and... he kissed you back. I can't believe I'm actually talking about this with you." He muttered the last part.

He leaned forward on his elbows. "That man is nuctorious.... I've heard stories. Stories that will give you nightmares."

"He's a Hell's angel for Godsakes Alara. I'm all for pissing off our father but... this I don't know. I don't like it."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm eighteen Mike. Not a five year old anymore. I know what I'm doing."

I sat back and looked out the window. The windows had been tinted on the sides but through the windshield I could see Daddy sitting in the back talking on his phone. He looked pissed.

In the other one was... my mother. She was watching us. Her eyes caught mine but I looked away before she could get her hopes up.

"You said you have answers for me. So... spill." I said when I looked back at him.

"It all started when your mother met our father. I was ten. And obviously still living at home. They were in love which was crazy, cause our father never loved anything. Well at least till you came around."

"He loved you purely and deeply. I saw the human side of him for the very first time."

I smiled softly, I was a huge Daddy's girl. And a favourite. Nobody could tell me different.

"But when she was pregnant your mother started to feel nervous about the life that she was bringing you in to. It's no secret who our father is and what he does. She didn't want that life for you."

So... she did want me.

"He figured out that she was making plans to run with you and he was pissed. He confronted her. But she went into early labor with you from the stress."

"You were born by C-section and in the NICU for three weeks. Nothing too crazy you were just tiny, always have been."

I had never known I spent time in the NICU. Well I never knew anything about my birth. My first picture was of my wrapped in a white blanket. My Dad was holding me and kissing my cheeks.

He reached down and handed me an envelope. "This is from her. He allowed her to see you four times, she took these pictures and wanted you to have them."

I opened the envelope and three well loved pictures tumbled out. They were polaroids.

It was her... she was younger obviously and looked very much like me now. She was sitting in a chair and looking down at me. I was so small...

She was smiling down at me even though from what Mike said it was probably the worst time in her life.

In another picture was the both of them. She was very pregnant and Dad had one hand on her stomach and the other supporting her.

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