Ch.36 Pass

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I'm going to pretty much continue the story from Seneca's perspective.

Also her name is pronounced Seh-NEE-ca.


The next day we were up early for our soccer game.

I went downstairs and Mom was making breakfast for the little kids.

During soccer was probably the only time Sophia, Mia and I all wore matching stuff. We looked all alike too so people got us mixed up on the team. Especially Sophia and I if they didn't see my eyes.

"I'm almost done girls, just go put you stuff in the car." Mom called over her shoulder.

I grabbed two banana's my water and then I went out to the car. It was already warm outside and it wasn't even nine oclock yet...


I was so ready for winter to come. I hated the heat. I know... not very Texan of me.


We left before everyone else was ready, they would meet us at the game though.

"The boy's soccer team is playing right now and they'll all be there to watch us when they're finished." Mia giggled to Sophia in the back.

I rolled my eyes, she was such a girly girl. Both of them were.

"Lorenzo might be there to watch you Mouse." Sophia teased me.

I immediately blushed. Ugh I wish they would stop teasing me about that boy.

"Who is Lorenzo?" Mom asked with a small smile. Great, now Ma knows and she's gonna be so embarrassing.

"This boy in our grade. He likes Sen, like really likes her. But she always ignores him. And he's super cute mom." Sophia spilled.

I ignore him because he thinks he's all that. And he most definitely wasn't. He may be a little cute but he pet all the attention from the girls get to his head.

And of course he had set his sights on me when he had joined the boys soccer team at the beginning of the season.

He had moved here from some school in Houston. There were rumors that he had gotten into too much trouble so our school was a last resort.

I'd also heard that his Dad and brothers were apart of the Bandidos MC. A rival of my father's MC.

I didn't think that they were too serious about the rivalry but I knew to stay clear of Lorenzo.

Even if he was cute like Sophia loved to say.

"Why don't you give him a chance Sen?" Mom asked.

I raised an eyebrow and shook my head. So not happening.


Third Person POV

The girls were doing warm up drills when the boy's soccer team ended their game and came over to support the girls.

By now Stone had arrived with everyone else. He brought Alara some coffee because he knew she needed it after the long few nights she had been having.

She sipped it and scanned the feild.

She immediately picked out Senny running a lap by her number and then she spied the boy that the girls had told her about.

He was tall, had dark curly hair and a deep tan. Of course the girls would think he was cute.

Well except for her Sen. Sen looked annoyed as she rolled her eyes at him jogging along side her.

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