Ch.21 Category 2

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By three pm the ER was full and Mom was not at all happy. I had been called down twice to assist in a birth.

"I wish people would stay in their homes. I've already had to see multiple people with injuries from being out in the storm." She huffed.

She was a little farther along than I was but I was bigger so when we faced each other our bellies nearly touched.

"How are you doing?" I asked her as I felt her belly. We were hiding in the nurses station for a few minutes just to check in.

My little brother inside of her poked out at me gently and I smiled. "Hi Jr."

"Just a little frustrated but I'll be fine. How about you? Have you been drinking your water and eating on the clock?"

I nodded aswell, "Yes. And not a hint of being sick either."

Thunder rolled loudly outside and the lights flickered.

"I hope the generators don't go out." She sighed.

"They won't. But the back up ones will kick in if they do." I reassured her.

Her beeper buzzed and she took a deep breath. "I'm being paged, there was a car crash. Come down in another two hours. Please take the stairs."

I nodded and we hugged before we departed.

Taking the stairs left me breathless but it was a precaution I had to take. I was not getting stuck in an elevator for hours.

When I got back to the maternity ward on the third floor things were very busy. Phones where ringing off the hook.

I passed Dr. Zhao speaking to a patient on the phone she looked calm and collected.

"Do not get on the road just yet. I want to make sure you are in labor before you even attempt to get out in the storm. It's about to make landfall."

I grabbed a few charts and started my rounds. I filled the role of a nurse here aswell, especially on a busy night like this. Most of my mother's were laboring and a few were high risk like me. But they were further along.

They were in the waiting game that I would soon be joining them on.

My first patient was a woman who was pregnant with twins. One had a heart defect that he would have an operation for immediately after birth.

When I walked in she was standing at the window watching worriedly.

"Hi Ms. Granger. I'm here to check your blood pressure and on Baby B again."

I had a few visits with her since I'd got in. She was very nice and we had struck up some short conversations.

As she got into bed she smiled nervously. "The storm is getting stronger."

"Nothing to worry about. Just a little rain and thunder nothing we can't handle." I reassured her.

I put the blood pressure cuff in and started writing down vitals from the machine that was tracking the twins.

Baby B was doing well, but mother's blood pressure was up a little. It was to be expected there was a hurricane about to make landfall on our coast in just a few hours.

"I didn't ask before but when are you due?" She asked me as I unwrapped the cuff.

"Two weeks after the new year. But we are shooting for them to stay in till atleast Christmas." I said with a small smile.

"Oh you're pregnant with twins too?" She asked. Her eyes seemed to light up, she was quickly forgetting the storm.

I shook my head, "Triplets, all boys." I laughed softly.

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