Ch.17 Out with a Bang

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My last few weeks in the camp were dedicated to getting Bassam's paperwork done.

After my suspension was up I came back with a new type of motivation that suprised everyone. No one could keep up with me.

Not even me most of the time. I went to bed dead tired every night and woke up the same every morning. It was getting so bad I missed my period. But it wasn't because I was pregnant or anything. It was because I was stressed.

It had happened a few times.

Either way I didn't care though Bassam had a family. His adoption was being finalized today.

And because Moose had something to do with it things went through a lot faster. I had met with his second wife a few times and I was very happy with her. She seemed very eager to take Bassam.

She was the type of person I wanted him to go to aswell. And plus Moose was willing to accept the little boy into his family.

So technically now Bassam was my little brother.

It was bittersweet for me. I had been fully prepared to adopt the little boy. We had such an unbreakable bond. But... I just couldn't. And that was okay.

If God had willed for it to happen that way it would have. This was not my path, but either way Bassam was well taken care of.

The day Adaya and Moose came to pick him up I spent the day with Bassam. I don't think he realized what was happening. Well... Lar he's a baby of course he wouldn't. But he was extra happy to receive all my cuddles so I don't think he cared.

It was tough taking him down to the main building where everyone was waiting.

"You're going to your family now Bassam. Your mama and papa. But don't worry I'm always going to be with you buddy because you're apart of my family now." I told him.

He smiled toothlessly up at me sucked on his fists. I had delayed his feeding a little so that Adaya could feed him and bond with him.

When we got into the building I met everyone in the directors office and we got started.

The whole process wasn't too long and Adaya fed Bassam while the lawyers went through everything. Papers were signed, notarized, and it was done.

All in a matter of thirty minutes.

Bassam was not an orphan anymore.

My work... was done.

I waited till Moose and Adaya left before I started crying. It was bad... it was a very gut wrenching cry that even surprised me.

My director didn't know what to do so she sat kind of staring at me till I dried up my tears.

It got awkward fast.

"Sorry... he just symbolizes that everything is really coming to an end." I wiped my face rather roughly and sat up straight.

"In a few days the new volunteers are coming and we will be out of here. Back to... our lives. But I've grown used to all of this. How can I go back when everything feels so unfinished?"

She came from behind her desk and handed me a few tissues. "Alara that feeling is not a feeling of unfinished business. It is hope. Hope for the future of this place and the people we service."

"You have made a great contribution here. Alone you have delivered nearly five hundred children. An entire population of lives that are forever changed by you. Be proud of that."

"Maybe one day when you come back they will be able to thank you."


That week went by terribly fast. The new volunteers arrived and it was like deja vu seeing their fresh faces filled with wide eyed wonder, even a little fear.

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