Ch.37 Iconic

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Next Friday came fast and some how I found myself at the skating rink with Sophia, Mia and Amelia.

I didn't really want to be here, but they had practically dressed me in some cute clothes and then shoved me in the car.

And then on top of that Daddy practically invited himself. Mom tried to stop him but he jumped in the car before she could. Then Noah got into the front seat.

"Let's go have fun guys." He said with a grin.

"Dad... you're going to be embarrassing." Mia whined. My older brother laughed with a mischievous smile. "Keep that attitude up and I'll skate around yelling that I'm your Dad."

"Gross." Mia grumbled under her breath.

When we got to the rink we made sure to slip away from Dad and Noah as fast as we could. We had managed to get our skates and were putting them on when Lorenzo found me.

"You came." He said as he sat down in the seat across from me.

I shrugged and he grinned. "How are your ribs Speedy?"

I smirked and held up the a-ok sign. I was still incredibly sore but it felt way better than the first three days after the game.

When I got my skates laced we skated to the actual rink.

"Can you skate well?" He asked.

I nodded, I'd been coming here since I was little. 'And you?'

He nodded and turned to skate backwards. I rolled my eyes, oh so we're showing off now.

"I see your nice brothers are here." He said once we had done a lap around the rink.

I glanced to my left where he had nodded to. All four of them were here. Plus! Uncle Ivar.

What was this a show of force?

I held up a finger asking for one minute and he nodded. I broke away from him and skated to my family.

'Go away!' I signed. I had to step off the actual rink cause little kids were using the railing as an aid to walk.

"What Mouse? We're just here to hang out with you." Matty laughed.

I was almost tempted to talk. Just almost.

But I huffed and skated away back onto the rink. Lorenzo synced up with me just as the song 'Please me.' By Bruno Mars came on.

I secretly loved this song and danced to it often in the solitude of my room.

I felt a warm hand grab mine and I looked down to see that Lorenzo had grabbed it.

"Trust me." He said as he grabbed my other one and moved in front of me.

Third person POV

"I think she likes him." Ivar murmured to his brother who looked like he was going to shit out a rock.

"The kid is smooth! I never would have been that bold at sixteen." Gabriel said as they passed by again.

"Can you guys like stare any harder?"

All of them looked to the right of the rink and Sophia was standing with her eyes narrowed at them. There was a nervous boy standing beside her that Stone glared at.

"What's your name?" Stone asked as he crossed his arms.

Stone was a lot older than he was twenty years ago but he was still a big guy and looked down right terrifying when he wanted to.

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