Ch.43 Rodeo

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For four days I fit as much time in as I could with my family.

I was free to see them when Cyrus was here but I would be limited once the media picked up the story and I didn't want to draw attention to my family.

On the fourth day I packed some stuff that I wanted to take back to Persia and put it in the car with security.

But I spent some time with my family again before I planned to meet up at the Rodeo with Amelia. That was kind of our favorite thing to do since we were in middle school.

She was beyond happy to see me. She was surprised as hell to hear my voice and see me talking so freely. Of course she wanted to know why I had up and disappeared, I assumed no one had told her. Which would have been for the best.

"Uh... I ended up spending the rest of my time in Algeria. It was a family thing." I told her.

"What about Julliard? You gave up a full ride scholarship."

Yeah... that still stung. "I transferred to a school in Persia that is also really good."

"But right now isn't so much about me. I missed you, and I really want to spend time with you before I have to go back." I said as we got out of the car.

She drove here, and my security trailed back. I made sure to tell them to blend in a little. I didn't want her to have any more questions.

Amelia didn't notice them thankfully as we walked into the arena but I could still see them though.

I let it go, they were doing their job. There was only so much we could compromise on.

We watched about half way through before Amelia was invited down to the pen by her boyfriend Max. He was a bull rider. At first she was hesitant to leave me but I told her to go.

I had seen more security appear. Cyrus was here now.

When Max hopped on the bull that's when I spotted Cyrus. He was dressed down for the first time in a black t-shirt and jeans.

As he moved through the crowds he certainly got a few second looks from the ladies. But he didn't give them the time of day.

His dark eyes landed on me when he came up the stairs to my row. I saw him scan my outfit of short shorts, and a tank top with a plaid shirt tied around my waist.

He looked amused and so was I.

"You can dress like a normal person?" I said as he sat down in Amelia's vacated spot.

He was a bit big for the plastic chair though and frowned. "I thought in America they made seats bigger. Because Americans are fat."

I laughed, "Maybe it's you who's fat."

He put his arm around me, "This is what you do for fun?" He asked when he leaned close to my ear.

Max was thrown off of the bull but he knew how to land and rolled out of the way of the big animal.

"Yeah, its fun." I laughed. "Then we go and eat at Friday's afterwards."

"You want to come?" I asked. "Or are you too tired from your flight?"

He shook his head, "I'll go."


Twenty minutes later Amelia spotted Cyrus sitting next to me. Her eyes widened, she instantly recognized him. And she quickly made the connection with his arm around my shoulder.

I thought she would be upset but instead she smiled and pulled out her phone.


Seconds later I felt my phone buzz with her call.

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