Ch.22 Adorable

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Our ER was going to he shut down for a deep cleaning for a week but we survived the storm with no more incidents that night.

We weren't cleared to leave the hospital until later in the day but that was fine I had to get checked out by Dr. Zhao anyways.

I let Ivar in along with the girls because none of them had seen the babies yet. I don't even think Ivar has even held a baby before.

He looked a little nervous the whole time. Honestly I was seeing him now in a different light. He was a big dude, but he was kind of sensitive you know. And that's okay.

"They're doing good, are you still taking the 100 mg of aspirin every two days?" She asked as she took measurements of Gabriel. He was really low today.

I nodded just as I got a muscle spasm down there. I covered my face and breathed out slowly.

"You're getting another muscle spasm?"

I nodded as I pressed down where it was. It was mostly to the lower right of my pelvis. "That's just the nerves reacting to the pressure of the babies. It's going to happen a lot more as they get bigger."

"I'm just going to have to ride it out." I whispered to myself.

"That's the spirit. And I would expect that to happen after the night we just had. I was surprised you stayed in your feet as long as you did." She said as she cleaned off my belly.

I sat up slowly and nodded. "I had a job to do. And in the moment you really don't think."

"Your body is relatively young and you were very athletic before you got pregnant. It think twenty five weeks is an appropriate time to start bedrest at home. And from then on we will decide when you will come to the hospital."

"Can we push for thirty two?" I asked.

"We will see." She said with a small smile. She shook her head, "I tend to forget you are nineteen. Very far beyond your years. But your determination matches your age."

You betcha I was determined.

When we got to the elevator the girls were chattering and Ivar was of course quiet. "What did you think?" I asked him.

I was looking through my purse just to make sure I had my keys. Pregnancy brain was already starting.

Thankfully I found them just buried at the bottom.

"I did not think they would look... like little people just yet." He said as he looked at the ultrasound. I made sure I got one for him. I really wanted to include him in the family.

"They have little fingers and stuff." He commented.

I smiled, "Yes, I can feel them sometimes too. But they feel like little butterflies right now."

I looked down at my belly, I could kind of feel Noah. I think that was him, it was kind of hard to tell him versus Mateo some times.

No... that's Mateo. Its lower than where Noah was on the ultrasound.

"Are they moving?" Lizzy asked me.

I nodded, "Yup, I think the orange juice woke them up."

The only one not really moving was Gabriel. But it was always hard to feel him. Their movements were so subtle too, I was just now making a distinction.

"I can't wait till they get bigger and we can start feeling them." Lizzy said with an excited giggle. How she could be so bubbly after the crazy night we just had was amazing. But Lizzy was always like that. Especially after coffee.

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