Ch.35 Part 2

306 16 1

Time Later 



My two precious girls grew very quickly over the years. It was almost like I blinked and they were in kindergarten giggling to themselves in the backseat. Senny never said another word after that day in the hospital. Believe me, we tried. But she just wasn't budging. 

She didn't need to though, she was pretty independent and did a lot of stuff for herself. She also learned sign language or used text messages to communicate with us. Or she had Sophia. 

I was convinced they had twinstinct because they could exchange looks and have a whole conversation. 

So if Senny really had anything to say she would just have Sophia say it for her. And Sophia never stopped talking. She even talked in her sleep. 

I guess she took over all the talking from her sister. 

The girls were very active throughout their childhood. They both started ballet at five which I had a ball with. They were so cute in their little tutus and buns. But after elementary school, Senny gravitated more towards music. She loved it and it was her means of expression. She played violin, cello, and played the piano. But she did play sports too, softball, and both girls played soccer. 

Sophia stuck with ballet primarily, she was just as amazing as I was when I danced. 

At sixteen she was dancing in the same school I had when I first moved down here.

If she kept up with it she would be one of the best.

I was so incredibly proud of her for it too. I was proud of both my babies.

It was crazy that I was the mother of thirty-year-olds, fifteen-year-olds, and a grandmother all at the same time. And I looked damn good too. 

"Mama, is Daddy coming home tonight or tomorrow?" Sophia asked me. I had just picked the girls up from the school and was taking them home. 

Ezra was coming back from a trip to Algeria today. Moose was coming back as well to visit the girls, he hadn't seen them in about a year. 

"Tonight, around dinner time." I told her. I knew she was anxious to see her Dad, she hated to be away from him for too long. She was a total Daddy's girl, when they were little she would cry and throw fits when he left. 

Seneca was the opposite, she wouldn't cry and she barely even acted like she noticed he was gone. She showed affection like Oscar the cat. Sometimes he got a little offended, but then she would curl up to him and melt him like chocolate. Ezra was completely wrapped around their little fingers had been since the day they were born. 

"Senny asked what we're having for dinner tonight Mimi." Mia spoke up. Her and Senny were sitting in the back after Sophia had practically jumped into the front seat spot. It was a constant argument as for who would sit in the front seat. It usually was whoever got there fastest.

"I don't know yet. Maybe Spaghetti." I said after thinking and coming up with nothing. I had, had a long day and I needed to figure out what to cook for dinner. Something that would feed my very big family. All six kids, and their wives, and their kids. That was close to twenty people. 

Sunday nights were family dinner time, a tradition I continued after Nana passed. But since Ez and Moose were coming back into town today I decided today would be a good day. But I had decided that a week ago when I had a full eight hours of sleep. Last night had been rough for some reason and work was crazy busy today. 

"Senny is texting everybody to bring a dish." Mia told me. 

Oh good, someone is using their brain here. 

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