Ch.34 Numb

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As I wrote the last chapter I got some really bad news that a friend of mine had just passed. Right when Seneca was being put into the ambulance coincidentally. We weren't particularly close, but freshman year on my first day of school he was apart of the group that had taken nervous quiet me under their wing. Without them collectively I wouldn't have survived high school. And I feel really bad because after that year I saw him in passing the halls and we said hi and stuff but never really re connected like that. The last time I saw him was the night of his graduation. I say all of this... because I never really think that I could be seeing someone for the very last time and not know it. In an effort to not sound corny I encourage you all to love on the people in your life. Because tomorrow is not promised for us. 



For hours the Maoife family sat in numb silence. Waiting for a doctor to come and tell them any news about the little girl behind those doors. 

Stone was trying his best to keep it together for his family but every time Alara began to sob he felt like his chest was being stomped on. And out of all his son's Mateo was taking it the hardest. He was the one who had found her lifeless. 

"It's not your fault Matty. Stop blaming yourself." Charlie whispered to his little brother when he saw him begin to cry again. 

"I should have kept her in my room. I would have gotten to her faster." He sobbed. Charlie wrapped his arms around him and squeezed his eyes shut. All he could do was begin to pray that his little sister would be okay. 

He had to give it all to God because he was completely helpless. 


Another hour later a doctor finally came out. Everyone stood and crowded around him. 

"The news isn't good, but it isn't bad. Seneca was down for twenty-six minutes. We had to restart her heart twice along with multiple rounds of CPR to keep her alive. When we finally were able to revive her we placed her in a medically induced coma to give her body time to heal and strengthen before we can do anything further." 

Alara was a wreck but she needed more answers, "Why did this happen? She only had a fever just the day before." 

"We believe a seizure caused her to stop breathing. She had one before she went down. We won't know if it is epilepsy or just related to the fever until we do further tests." 

"For now she is stable in the Pediatrics ICU. It's going to be an uphill battle but we have the best people to help her through it." 



Alara and Ezra were the only ones allowed up to see Seneca. 

When he finally saw his baby girl hooked up to every monitor and wire he let himself cry. He let every emotion that he had been feeling for the past few hours come out. Then he pulled it together. He had to for Alara. He had to be strong and be her rock. 

"Mommy is here baby. You just rest and focus on getting better. We're both here, Mommy and Daddy are here. You're not alone." She whispered. Alara touched the only part of her baby that didn't have a wire and that was her little foot. 

She was so incredibly relieved that it was still warm. It had life in it... Seneca had life in her and they were going to help her fight. 


It took three days for Seneca to wake up from the coma. 

They had begun to take her off of all the drugs and she hadn't had a seizure since. They determined that she did have epilepsy after several EEG. But she did have what is called a febrile seizure.

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