Ch.39 Prayed Up

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When we arrived in Algeria the atmosphere was different.

Yeah we all were having fun with our cousins and catching up. But... the overall atmosphere felt weird from my perspective. 

I felt like I was the only one feeling it too.

But when I saw Papa, I knew that he was feeling it himself. He looked troubled, especially when he saw me.

"Hello my darling girl." He said as he hugged me the next morning.

"Hi Papa." I whispered.

He kissed the top of my head before he looked down at me. "You live up to your name... I knew I was correct when I named you."

His words were so cryptic and I didn't exactly understand what he was talking about.

Before I could ask him what he meant though I was pulled away by my cousins.


For five days the words my grandfather weighed heavily on my mind.

I felt so distracted that instead of going on the hunting trip I stayed back.

I didn't realize till I saw the lack of boys and men in the compound. Great I was stuck doing shopping in the markets with the girls.

About fifty giggling cousins of mine were about to descend on the market and really make the vendors days.

I not being one of them.

Well... actually I wanted to find some things. One of them being these Jade stones that I knew would impress Lorenzo.

His... enchanted stones.

I took my time searching through the market before I found them. It was an old woman selling them somewhat towards the back. It was quieter back here with less people.

She happily sold them to me for the equivalent of four US dollars. But I gave her more. It would go towards food in her belly or whatever she needed and I didn't mind.

It was just money.

I tucked the stones into the pocket of my pants before I looked up to see which way I had come. I think... I had turned left down this row to come in here...

I went down several rows before I realized I was a little lost.

This place was huge...

I'd better text Sophia and ask where she is.

But as I pulled out my phone I felt eyes on me. It wasn't hard to mistaken the feeling of someone watching you. Your body had a sixth sense that kind of alerted you.

I pressed on Sophia's contact and acted like I was looking around to see where I was again as I put the phone to my ear.

When I did I spotted four men. Two of them close to the other exit out of this part of the market. Another walking down an aisle to me.

"Um... Senny?" Sophia answered in confusion. Usually I texted her, I'd never called her before.

My eyes darted to the left and I saw another man coming towards me. All of them big and strong.

How had I not noticed I was being followed before? Daddy always had taught us to be aware of our surroundings.

"Sophia. I need help." I finally spoke.

She gasped slightly, and the man in front of me glared. He looked at the man to the left and ordered him to grab me.

"What? Senny where are you?" She asked me quickly in a panicked voice.

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