•Moving in•

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Megan's POV

Today's the day me and my best friend finally arrive in California! I've been wanting to move here all my life. The weather is just so beautiful and the beaches look amazing here. I also get to see my boyfriend more now that I live in the same state as him. We have a rocky relationship I guess you can say but we always get through it. He's a YouTube known as Kian Lawley he use to be part of a bigger group but they broke off and do there own things now. I was snapped out of my daydream by a sudden stop. I look over to my left to see Kian's face light up with a bright smile. He ended up driving me and Selena to Cali cause he didn't want anything to happen to us.

"We're here!" He exclaimed. And I smiled back and looked out the window to see a big white and grey house. A little part of me was sad to leave my hometown and family, but change is a good thing. Right?

"So you guys wanna get out and take a look around?" He looked over at me and Selena. We both nodded and all got out of the car. Kian came around to my side and grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together and slowly walked up to the house as Selena follows behind us.

"This house is really big." Selena said in such awe. Kian let go of my hand as we reached the front door and grabbed the keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door for us. Me and Selena walk in first to check out the place. And we absolutely love it.

"Some of the movers are here I'll be back." Kian said and I didn't really acknowledged him cause I was so mesmerized by this house. I figured he left already to help the movers bring in boxes so I explored more of the house.

"Ohhh I want this room!!!" I hear Selena shout from upstairs. I ran towards her to see if she picked out the better room. As I ran around the corner to see the inside of her room I just laughed to myself.

" hmm okay I'm fine with that." I smirked at her and walked away to the other side of the second floor to go see my room. Right as I reached my room I saw how big it was and a big closet with a bathroom inside. Which is what I really wanted! My own bathroom. I was looking at the room and what it was going to look like with all my stuff in it. But was interrupted.

"Wait your not gonna fight me over this room?"

"No why would I? Your room doesn't have a bathroom in it and mine does." I laugh at her and walk downstairs.

"Yeah I figured you wanted the one with the bathroom. But I'm fine with taking the hall bathroom as my own." Selena said as she followed me down. At the end of the steps I saw Kian talking to the guys and then he noticed me.

"Alright so the movers are going to set all the basic furniture up and move all the boxes in. While we go get some food." I gave him a look and pulled him to the side away from the movers so they wouldn't hear.

"Kian they are complete strangers I'm not leaving. What if they destroy something or take..."

"Don't worry my dad and his brothers are on the way to watch them to make sure they don't take anything." He leaned in and cupped my face as he kissed my forehead. I smile lightly at him.

"Okay that's fine. I'm starving anyway. What do you guys want to eat?" I asked the both of them moving more towards the door.

"Mmhm maybe some burgers I've been wanting burgers since we left." Selena laugh.

"Okay I'm down with that I know just the place for a fantastic burger." Kian says as we all leave and hop in his car. Right when we left his dad and uncles pulled up.

After a long 15 minute drive to the best burger place ever we all got out of the car and headed towards the small family owned restaurant.

"I've never been so hungry before in my life." I exclaimed laughing slightly. They both agreed with me. Once we walked in it looked so cute it wasn't too fancy or extra.

"Hello! Table for three?" A blonde headed waitress asked with a smile.

"Yes ma'am." Kian said as he walked behind her I could see he was secretly checking her out and I just rolled my eyes to myself. Great I haven't even been in Cali for an hour and my boyfriend is already checking out another chick. We finally reached our table and sit down. Selena day in front of me and Kian. The waitress hands us the menu.

"Can I start you off with something to drink?"

"Yes I'm going to get a Pepsi." Kian said smiling.

"I'll just have a water." I smile lightly

"Make that two waters." Selena said and turning her attention back to the menu that was in her hands.

"Okay I will get that for you guys shortly." And with that she walked away.

"Are we all gonna get the same thing?" I asked looking at the two of them. They both nodded and laughed.

"Okay here's your Pepsi sir, and both of your waters ladies." She said setting the drinks down in front of us. She then grabbed her pen and paper out to take the rest of our order.

"Are you guys ready to order or do you need another minute?" She asked looking at all three of us.

"I think we're all going to get your number 9 with a side of fries." Kian said.

"Okay and will that be all for you guys today?"

"Yes ma'am." Kian said handing her back all the menus."

"Okay I'll get that for you guys." She said taking the menu and walking away. I saw Kian look behind him to see her walk away. I sighed to myself and looked over at Selena and she saw what happen. She gave me a sympathetic look. I just shook the thought away.

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