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I walked into my house as Kian followed behind me. We had just left Diego's house and it was already 8:00. I was tired from today. I set all my stuff down by the front door because I'm too lazy to put everything back and clean everything. As I started to head for the stairs.

"When is Selena and Steven gonna be back." I heard kian speak up. I turn back to look at him.

"Ummm I'm not sure they might actually go back to his place or just stay at Diego's." I said. "Why?" I asked confused.

"Oh just because I wanted to talk to you real quick." He said serious. He sat down on the couch and motioned me to sit down next to him so I did.

"What about?" I asked kinda getting nervous.

"I'm not fucking stupid Megan." He said and it frightened me.

"What are you talking about?" I freaked out.

"I'm giving you one more chance to tell me what really fucking happened between you and Diego." He said getting more angry with me.

"N...nothing I swear. I already told you everything." I said stumbling over my words. He got up and took a chunk of my hair and pulled me off  the couch and onto the floor.

"OUCH kIAN STOP YOUR HURTING ME!!" I screamed out as I try to grab his hands to let them lose from my hair.

"I know what you fucking did BITCH so don't play dumb with me. Just admit it to me." He said looking me in my eyes. I could see his hatred for me. This was the same look he gave me the night he punched me. I didn't want things to get anymore worse than it already was. I was scared of him. I should probably just get it over with and tell him already seeing as he knows something went down and won't let it go.

"Fine okay....I fucked Diego." I said looking him in the eyes. He wasn't shocked or anything. His facial expression didn't change If anything he was more glad that I admitted it to him.

"And..." He said waiting for me to tell him more.

"That's it." I said looking at him. He shook his head at me. He let go of my hair and picked me up by my shirt and throat then lifted me off the floor to push me up against the wall. My back and head hit the wall. I felt a shooting pain run through my back. My eyes started to get watery.

"I know there's more than that." He said gritting his teeth.

"What are you talking about?" I asked crying now cause the pain was unbearable. He pushed me harder against the wall and more tears slipped out.

"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS. YOU GUYS FUCKED TWICE AND NOT TO MENTION WHAT YOU DID TO HIM WHILE I WAS ON THE PHONE." He screamed in my face as I closed my eyes. He knows everything. I'm dead. How did he even know about everything me and Diego did?

"I'm sorry I didn't...." I started to say but he cut me off with a fist to my face. I fell to the ground and felt numb and useless. I cried and couldn't stop. My left eye was throbbing and could barely see as it was beginning to swell.

"Don't ever try to apologize to me you knew what you were doing and didn't stop it." He said calming down a little bit. I didn't even bother to look at him. As he started to walk away I looked up at him.

"I wouldn't have done it if you weren't always running around with other girls and texting them behind my back." I said to him attempting to stand up for myself.

"I don't care your not aloud to do anything unless I give you the okay for it." He said and with that he walked to the front door. "Oh and by the way I don't want you seeing Diego anymore and if I see him trying to get to you I will fucking hurt him." He said as he opened the door and then slammed it shut.

I was left alone and cried to myself. I hated myself for ever being with him. I finally got up and Walked upstairs to take a shower to clean myself up. I just stood there letting the hot water run down my back as I cried. Then after what felt like forever I got out and looked in the mirror to see a purple eye forming. It wasn't crazy huge but it still looked pretty bad. I got changed into some new clothes and walked back downstairs. I went to the kitchen to make me some food and something to drink. After I was done with it I took some meds to bring the swelling down. I wrapped some ice up in a hand towel and placed it on my eyes and walked back upstairs into my bedroom i layed down in my bed but couldn't sleep. My phone went off and it was Diego.

Daddy Diego 💔
Hey baby hope your night is going good just wanted to talk to you on the phone before you went to bed.

I smiled at him being so nice and caring but I didn't reply back. Minuets later he tried to call me but I ignored it too. I don't want anymore trouble than I already caused and I sure as hell don't want kian to do something to Diego cause I care deeply about him. I layed in my bed crying. Crying about how fucked up my life has become I wish I would have never moved out here. I just wanna go back home and forget about all of this. Kian clearly doesn't love me and Diego will eventually forget about me I'm sure. Ughh why do I have to be so weak and useless.

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