•Next Day•

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I woke up with the sun shining in my face. I sat up and looked back to see a sleepy Diego. I got up out of bed and walked to the window to close the blinds. I then headed towards the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and seen I had hella hickeys on my neck and thighs. I smiled at the thought of them being from Diego. I turned around to check out my ass in the mirror and saw a red/brown bruise handprint on my ass. I smiled to myself and jumped in the shower and washed myself off and washed my hair as well. I got out and wrapped a towel around me. I walked into my bedroom to see Diego still sleeping. I didn't want to wake him he just looked so adorable. I was searching for my phone and realized that I left it out in the living room. I walked out finding it on the kitchen table. Yes I'm still naked but you know what no one else is here so I'm all good. I looked at the missed call I got from Kian. I just rolled my eyes. I grabbed the hair brush and started to brush my hair I tried to move my hair around to hind my hickeys. I walked back upstairs to my room to see Diego shuffling around in bed. He gets up and looks at me and smiles with his dorky smile. Awe he's to cute.

"Come here ma." He said and I walked over to him and sat down next to him. He grabbed me and held me while he kissed my cheek and neck. His hair tickling me while he kissed me Which made me laugh.

"Diego that tickles." I said laughing while moving my arms to get him off me. He backed away.

"Sorry. You just look so cute with all them love marks on you." He said while rubbing my inner thighs and looking at my neck.

"Are they that noticeable you think?" I question myself and him as I got up and looked through my dresser mirror. He got up out of bed and walked behind me and wrapped his hands around me and rested his head on my shoulder.

"I mean kinda." He said with an evil smirk. As he kissed my shoulder.

"Hey at least I'm not the only one with them." I turned around and looked at his neck and chest. I laughed and he looked in the mirror and touched them.

"Damn lil ma left hella hickeys on me." He smiled and went over to the floor and grabbed his hoodie and put it on. He was already wearing his sweatpants so he was dressed already. I opened the drawer and grabbed a bra and some underwear to match. While he wasn't looking I quickly threw the towel and put them on. I walk over to my closet and looked through some outfits. I finally decided on a black button up dress and some converse to match it.(outfit above)


I was on my phone and in the corner of my eye I saw Megan going through her closet looking for an outfit to wear. She was only wearing a bra and underwear and damn did she look good. I wish I could make her mine right now. But I know she already has a man. But fuck him imma make her mine. Just as she started to put on her outfit she picked out I got a text from the xanarchy crew telling me I needed to record some new shit.


Boss Man
Hey Diego Steven get your asses over here we need some new shit out

Ight I'll head over there soon I'm doing something right now

Ooo you still at Megan's house?

Boss Man
Who's Megan???

She's a friend

Sureeee just a 'friend' that's not what you told me last night😂

I'll beat your ass shut the fuck up man

Boss Man
Damn ight just don't bring her here cause your girl is here man


Boss Man
You know Jess she's here waiting for you Man

Wtf dude I broke up with her last week

Boss Man
Not what she's saying you best come get her then

Alright I'll take care of it I'll be there sooner

I was snapped out when I saw Megan close the door to her closet. Fuck Jess better not fuck this relationship up. Just thinking of her makes my blood boil. She discusses me because of what she did.

"Hey you all good?" Megan asks me.

"Uhhh yeah sorry I was distracted by how hot you look in that kitten." I said standing up and taking her hand and spinning her around to get a full look at her. She started blushing and it was the cutest thing ever. I leaned in close to her face and kissed her forehead.

"You are the sweetest person ever I swear." She said smiling and I blushed at that.

"I'm only sweet to you beautiful." I said kissing her hand and her cheek. "Also what are your plans for today?" I asked her.

"Ummm I think kian was gonna take me out and show me around." She said not wanting to go.

"Oh yeah? Well you might want to cover this up with some makeup before he yells at you." I said touching her neck and laughing but being serious at the same time. I didn't want him to yell at her for being with me cause she doesn't deserve that negativity in her life.

"Your right I'm gonna go do that now." She said walking over to the bathroom to put some makeup on. I then got an incoming call from Jess. I just rolled my eyes. Ughhhh I don't want to deal with her today. Megan came back out with some natural makeup on and her hickeys covered up. I smiled at her as she walked over my way.


"Kian's on his way now." I said not wanting Diego to leave.

"It's all good I gotta get going but I'll text you tho when I'm free." He said getting up off my bed.

"I'll walk you out." I said as we left my room and down the stairs towards the front door.

"I'll see you later lil ma." He said then gave me a kiss goodbye leaving. I shut the door and bit my lip in excitement.

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