•Lies pt3•

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"Wow I can't believe that he would do that to me." I said handing Lena her phone back. I stood there not know what to do or say.

"Are you okay?" Selena asked as she walked up to me to put her arms around me. That's when it hit me. I broke down. I cried and couldn't stop. She sat me down on the couch.

"Why would he do this to me?" I asked holding onto her.

"I don't know baby. I'm so sorry." She said. Lena then came over and sat down next to me and wrapped her arms around me too.

"I don't understand." I said and they both pulled away from me. Lena got up and walked away.

"Hey it's okay." She said not knowing what to say. Lena then came back into the room. She sat next to me again handing me some tissues. I took them from her.

"Thanks." I said. She nodded her head. I dried my eyes the best I could and kept myself from having a full on panic attack. "Do you think that's why he didn't ask me out? So he could do whatever he wanted to do and say that we weren't even together?" I asked trying to figure this all out. Lena and Selena both looked at each other knowing nothing.

"I knew he really liked you Megan." Selena said to me trying to make me feel better. But it didn't help.

"Well now I know he doesn't cause he's clearly caught up with other girls." I said getting tears in my eyes again. I sniffed and put the tissues back up to my face trying to catch my tears.

"Hey.....shhhh it's okay." Lena said holding onto me and rocking me back and forth. Her head rested on my head. It calmed me down but I was still upset with Diego.

"Should I call him?" I asked them still holding onto Lena's arms. She looked up at me thinking.

"No I wouldn't reach out unless he calls you or texts you first." Lena said to me with a small smile.

"Yeah I agree too. Also see if he tells you what he did. Cause then you'll know he's being honest with you." Selena said and Lena agreeing with her.

"Okay." I said taking a deep breath.

"Come on let's go get changed." Selena said getting up and holding her hands out for me to take. I held onto her as I followed her and Lena. On the way I picked up my bag and went into Lena's bedroom. We all stripped in front of each other and changed into oversized shirts.

"Alright where's your phone?" Lena said. I gave her my phone not knowing what she was going to do.

"I trust you but I think it's safe to put it somewhere you can't easily pick it up." She said taking it and putting it on her dresser across the room on the charger. She then walked back and got in her bed pulling the covers over herself. Selena soon joined.

"Come over here you need some sleep." Selena said. I smiled at her and walked over to get under the blankets in between the both of them.

"Bitch you better cuddle my ass." Lena said wrapping one of her arms around my shoulder as Selena then rested her arms on me. I then wrapped mine around Lena. I felt love and I know I am loved. But I wanted to be loved by Diego too. Why would he do this to me? He told me he loved me. I was in my thoughts for too long I guess cause when I looked up the girls were pasted out. I laid there thinking some more until I eventually fell asleep.


I was feeling up on this hot as chick who so happens to be one of my old ex's. I wanted to take her back to my hotel. We've been dancing for a long ass time and I wanted to leave now with her.

"Hey you tryin to leave this place?" I said to her.

"Hell yeah." She said biting her lip a little. I smiled at her and grabbed her hand. I tried to lead her out the club but was stoped by Steven and Adam.

"Yo what the hell are you doing?" Steven asked me angry.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I asked him confused.

"I'm going to wait outside for you." My ex said. I nodded and smiled at her as she walked away. I looked down at her ass and couldn't wait to get her back to the hotel. Adam hit my chest and got me back to reality.

"Yo chill dude what do y'all want?" I asked getting irritated quickly.

"We want your ass to ditch this girl cause you already have one back home." Steven said to me sternly. I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah well I'm pretty sure the last time I checked I wasn't actually dating her." I said being honest. I had no clue what came over me but I just felt angry which made me want to get to the hotel quicker with my ex.

"Man are you on something? What the hell did you take cause your not acting like you man?" He asked me.

"I didn't take shit man." I said leaving the club. I looked around to see my ex waiting for me.

"Hey you ready?" I asked and she nodded her head. I took her hand and lead her to the car. The driver drove us back to the hotel. We pulled up to the hotel but before we got out I checked my phone for the time and saw a miss call from Megan. We got out and walked to my room. I open the door with the key card. We walked in and it instantly hit me. What I was about to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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