•Missed call•

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I felt the beating sun hit my face. I'm still so tired I refuse to get up. I could still feel Diego's body pressed up against mine. Then my phone goes off. I didn't want to move cause I was soooo comfortable.

"Megan your phone is going off." Diego quietly says.

"Just ignore it. It's probably no one important." I said as we both moved closer to each other. My phone eventually stops and I fall back asleep.


I felt Megan fall asleep in my arms. She is so perfect and never want to let her go. Her phone goes off again. I ignored it not wanting to move. It goes to voicemail and I try to fall back asleep. But it goes off again. I once again ignored it and cuddled back up to Megan. After it goes to voicemail they call again. I am now annoyed and frustrated cause I just want to cuddle with Megan. Who the fuck is calling her this fucking early. I reached across from her and answered the cracked phone. I didn't even bother to check the caller I'd.

"Yo who ever the fuck this is best chill I'm trying to sleep." I said rude and clearly pissed off.

"Who the fuck is this?" I hear a males voice come through the phone. My eyes widen as to who this dude was.

"I could ask you the same damn thing?" I asked trying to see who this jackass was call my lil ma this fucking early.

"I'm Kian Megan's boyfriend. NOW WHO THE FUCK AER YOU?" I was in complete shock and didn't know what to say but this dude was clearly a jealous type I could already tell. This is gonna be fun.

"This is Diego now what the fuck do you want?"


"Yeahhhh sorry bro can't do that right now she's sleeping right now, but ummm I'll tell her you called tho." I said trying to make him even more pissed off.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU BETTER PUT HER ON THE DAMN PHONE NOW SO I CAN PICK HER ASS UP!" He said getting more and more possessive over Megan.

"Sorry no can do. Bye." I just said and put her phone on mute. And of course he was spamming her phone. And that's when I realized that this dude was fucking insane with the shit he was saying. I felt bad for her. I looked over at her still sleeping and she looked so peaceful. I looked back down at her phone and saw how cracked it really was. I felt bad cause I bumped into her at the restaurant. So I set her phone back down and got up and got ready for the day.


I woke back up and saw Diego wasn't next to me. I sat up and looked at my phone to see what time it was and it was noon. Fuck I had 30 missed calls and 45 text messages from Kian. Right when I was about to read them I heard the bathroom door open to see a sexy Diego walk out in a black hoodie and jeans with a matching black beanie that said Xanarchy in red.

"Good morning beautiful." He said walking over to me and I smiled at him.

"Good morning cutie." I replied back as he plopped down on the bed right in front of me and took my phone out of my hands.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused.

"I feel really bad for cracking your phone so I'm gonna get you a new one." He said smiling at me. I was taken back he's so sweet but I can't take that offer.

"Thank you so much but you don't have to do that." He rolled his eyes and got up and put my phone in his pocket and took my hand to help me out of bed.

"I don't care what you say I'm gonna get you a new phone. I already picked out some clothes for you to get changed in." He said Pointing towards the bathroom. I laughed a little bit at his agreement and went to the bathroom and got changed. I looked in the mirror and seen he picked out a matching hoodie and beanie for me to wear and some work out shorts that made my ass look even fatter than it was before. I walked out to see Diego looking me up and down just adoring me.

"Take a picture it will last longer." I said snapping him out of it and he just smiled and chuckled.

"I might just have to ma." He said pulling out his phone out of his pocket and taking a pic of me as I posed for it. I laughed at him making cute ass face. I walked towards him and sit next to him and put my head on his shoulders as he took a pic of us.

"Now lets go get you that new phone." Diego said getting up. Once we arrived at the mall we walked in and went straight to the apple store. He ended up getting me the newest iPhone which I tried to talk him out of buying but of course he wanted to buy it. We walked back out to the food court and sat down so I could start to set up my new phone.

"I'm gonna go get us some food while you do that okay ma." I looked up at him.

"Okay I'll be here." I smiled. He walked away and I set up my phone pretty easily he came back with Chinese food.

"Omg how did you know I love Chinese food?" I laughed as I ate along with him.

"Lucky guess." He smiled widely. Ughhh he's so fucking fine like howwww???

"Omg hi Diego can I take a picture with you?" Some girl came up to him and was freaking out. He smiled and agreed. They took a picture and she was about to walk away when she turned around to me.

"Your really pretty by the way." She said smiling.

"Awe thank you so much your so sweet." I said and she laughed and walked away. She freaked out with her friends and left the mall.

"What was that all about?" I asked wondering why the hell some random girl wanted a picture with him.

"Well I guess you can say I'm well known." He said leaving it at that but I wanted to know what was up but could tell he didn't want to tell me for some reason.

"Anyway let me see your phone I'll put in my number." I gave him my phone and he put in his number and even put in all his social media for me to follow. I got my phone back and saw he had a lot of people follow him on his social media. Then I saw his name under my contacts.



I smiled to myself and looked up at him. He was still eating his food.

"Let me put my number in your phone." I said and he looked up at me and gave me his phone. I put my name as Kitten💔 and handed it back to him. He looked up at me and I went back to eating my food.

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