•Party night•

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I've been getting ready for an hour now and I now finally get dressed in the outfit that Selena picked out for me last night. I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in." I said as I look at myself in the mirror fixing my hair and outfit.

"Megan are you ready?" Selena asked as she poked her head through the door.

"Yes I'm ready." I say as I turn around and grabbed my phone and purse. We both walked out and downstairs to the front door.

"After you my lady." She says as she's opening the door and bowing as if I'm the queen.

"Stop bowing you look silly bitchhh!" I yell at her.

"You love this silly bitch tho hoe!" She replied back to me and we jumped in her car. She put up the directions to get to the house.

20 minutes pass

We arrived at the house and omfggg it's huge. There's so many cars parked out front so we parked across the house. We get out and I'm such in awe at how many people are really here. We started to walk up to this house and the front door was open and I saw a familiar tattoo face that I can see clearly now. On his right check he has three z's and under that it has the word lover. Then he has small dots going down his nose and on the left check has candy in cursive and a broken heart under that. And under the broken heart it says soldiers. And there's a few more above his brows and on his check but the one that stands out to me is the black tears under his left eye. And through what I can see he has neck tattoos and hand one too. I was quickly shot back to reality when I heard his voice.

"Hey you made it come on in girls." The guy that hit me at the restaurant said. Great now this guy is here and all his friends. He give me a small smile and I smile back to be polite.He leans into me towards my ear.

"Hi my names Diego." He says to me a little loud cause of the music. I saw at the corner of my eye Selena left with his buddy.I freaked I thought she wouldn't leave me. I brushed it off and leaned into Diego.

"My names Megan." I said a little nervous.

"You look good tonight and I'm really sorry about what happened with your phone." He says with a sad smile. I felt bad cause it wasn't his fault he probably didn't see where he was going.

"Your all good jerk." I laughed and he looked taken back a little.

"Jerk?" He asked clearly confused.

"Yeah I didn't know your name so I just called you jerk." I laughed and he smirked at me and just laughed. "Come with me." And with that he took my hand and brought me toward the party. I saw Selena again thank god cause I was getting a little nervous there. She was with the same people that were at the restaurant yesterday.

"Hey Diego there you are man." Someone says to him as they bro hug.

"Let's go upstairs so we can all smoke." Diego says. They all agreed and Selena and I nodded to each other to make sure we were both good going upstairs. We all headed upstairs all three girls first then the guys followed behind us. We all got in the room and we sat on a medium sized couch. It looked to be a game room of some sort or just a chill out kind of room.

"Let me introduce everyone to you." Diego said as he sat up a little. " This is Adam and his girlfriend Lena and Steven." He said as he pointed to each one of his friends.

"Hey I'm Megan." I said to all of them.

"Your so hot I'm literally in love with you!" Lena said as she came over and sat in between me and Selena. I smiled at her comment.

"Awe thank you sooo much your really adorable yourself." I said and she blushed really hard.

"All three of us are going to be best friends I can already tell." She smiled and put her arms around me and Selena. We all laughed.

"Don't mind my girl she's a bit tipsy." Adam says.

"Ooo that reminds me I'm gonna go get us some shots." Steven says. I pull my attention back to Diego's way to see him rolling up a blunt. And he's sitting even closer to me than he was before.

"Do you guys smoke?" He asked us.

"Yeah we smoke." Selena said before I could.

"Good cause you don't wanna miss out on this." Adam said taking the blunt and sparking it up. He took the first hit and then Diego, me,Lena and Selena. It just went in a circle like that and then Steven came back with vodka and a bunch of shot glasses.

"Damn y'all smoked without me." He said and put his hand on his chest as if we had just hurt his feelings. We all laughed and Adam offered the rest of the blunt to him and he took it. Lena then pored all the shots and we raised them all together and taped them together. I downed my shot and tried not to make a face as a burning sensation began to form in my throat. Diego looked at me and laughed.

"Damn you didn't even make a face ma." He said and I just smirked at him.

"That's what happens when you party a lot in high school." I replied back to him. We take more and more shots and we're all crossed faded. Me and the girls are currently dancing all up on each other in the living room. There were still a lot of people here. We've been having a blast but it was around the time where people were just passing out everywhere and i was getting a little tired. Diego, Steven and Adam all came over to us to see if we wanted to leave and go back home of course they were more sober than us girls. We all went our separate ways since me or Selena couldn't drive back home. Lena and Adam left together, Steven and Selena then me and Diego.

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