•Back Story•

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Me and Megan have been texting since She left. We've been talking about going to the beach tomorrow and she's so excited it's adorable. I already miss her. She's fucking perfect like I just want to be with her all the time. I finally put on a shirt and sat on the couch smiling at my phone I heard laughing from behind me and I turn my head to see Steven walking over to sit next to me. As Selena went into the kitchen.

"Damn dude what's got you smiling over here like a fool?" He asked me as he tried to grab my phone from me.

"It's nothing." I said shoving my phone into my pocket while getting red in the face. Steven laughed at me. I gave him and evil look.

"Nah it's not nothing it's someone and I bet I can guess who." He said smirking. Selena laughed as she sat down on Steven's lap with something to drink in her hand.

"It's my girl isn't it why don't you just go for it." She said and i was in complete shock that she even knew about it.

"Wait how do you know.." I said but she quickly interrupted me.

"Because I see the way you guys look at each other and Megan talks about you." She said blowing it off and looking down at her phone. My eyes went wide. Whoa she talks about me to her friends????

"Wait what does she say about me?" I asked.

"Just the normal stuff like what you guys talk about or what you do..." She said eyeing me I got more red in the face. Fuck she knows her best friend cheated on her boyfriend with me. "Oh and that your famous too." She said looking back at her phone.

"Damn I didn't know she talked about me like that. I didn't even know if she liked me the same way I liked her." I said getting really deep into my thoughts. She looked over at me finally setting her phone down.

"Are you kidding me she likes you so much. I wished you guys would get together." She said with a serious tone.

"Why?" I asked her.

"Because Kian is an asshole to her." Steven looked over at her to pay more attention to what she had to say. She got up off Steven's lap and sat down on the wooden coffee table to look at us both. "Okay I have no idea what she's told you about Kian?" She stated.

"Nothing really beside that he can be a dick but I never really asked her about it." I said. She nodded and looked at her hands.

"Well before me and Megan moved here we use to live out of state. She meet kian at a meet n great but she wasn't like a fan of any kind in fact she didn't know he was famous. But they ended up dating and they made their long distance relationship kinda work. Every time me and Megan would go out to have a little bit of fun he would always text her or call her to try and get her to stay home. He was just a control freak. It kept getting worse and worse to were we didn't have fun going out. So one night I told her to not tell kian were we were going so we could have fun. He ended up finding out cause someone he knew at the party posted pictures of us on their Instagram story and he flew out to us. He showed up and it frightened her he shoved her out of the club and drove her back to her house. She told me that night he beat her." She finally looked up at us and I could tell she was really upset. "I just feel like it was my fault cause I told her to come out with me and to not tell him." She said confessing. Steven went over to sit next to her to comfort her. I felt a tear run down my face but I quickly wiped it away. How could anyone touch someone like that. Especially someone so sweet and kind.

"Wow I had no idea." I said in complete shock.

"Why the fuck would he do that to her?" Steven asked clearly pissed off. Selena shrugs her shoulders because she didn't know the answer.

"Wow and to think that dickhead was tryin to be nice to me this morning and everything." I said. They both looked over at me.

"Wait He was here this morning?" Selena asked me.

"Ummm yeah he came to pick up Megan cause I guess he didn't want her to stay any longer cause I was here." I said to Selena.

"Why was he trying to be nice to you?" Steven asked confused.

"I have no clue all he was saying was thank you for being a friend to her cause she's antisocial and invited all of us to go to the beach with them tomorrow." I told them. Selena perked up and looked me dead in the face.

"Don't trust him. He might seem nice but I promise you he's not. He's planning something I know he is cause he's never that nice. He also lied to you about Megan. She isn't antisocial she's always making new friends. So just be cautious of him." She said and I nodded my head. Now I gotta watch out for this dude. He's not gonna get in the middle of me and Megan's thing we got going on I'll make sure of that. I can't let her go that easily.

"Trust me I won't let him fuck mine and Megan's relationship over." I said confidently as my phone went off. I pulled it out and saw it was from Megan. I smiled at the thought of her. Man what has this girl done to me to make me fall this fucking hard?

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