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It's been a week since I've last seen Diego and it's finally the day of his party! I've been trying to dodge Kian any chance I get. I only hung out with him once and it was so we could go get food. I've been talking to Diego nonstop. He texts me throughout the day and FaceTimes me at night before we go to bed. I've been kinda missing him. He such a sweet guy.

"Hey Megan you ready to go!?" I heard kian yell. I looked at myself in the mirror satisfied with the way I looked. I walked away and grabbed my phone.

"Yeah I'm coming!" I yelled walking to Selena's door. I knocked on her door.

"Come in!" She screamed. I opened the door and looked into her room.

"Hey bitch you ready?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm coming she said." She followed right behind me as we walked downstairs to see kian standing by the door.

"Who's driving?" Kian asked.

"You." Me and Selena both said at the same time. We laughed and walked out the front door as Kian rolled his eyes towards us.

-20 minutes later-

We finally arrived at Diego's house and there were so many cars parked out front. We all got out and walked towards the house. I could smell the alcohol and weed. I couldn't wait to see Diego. Kian opened the door and we all walked in. Kian wrapped one arm around my waist as we walked more into the house. I saw Diego turn around and had a huge smile on his face. Him, Steven, Lena, and Adam walked over to great us.

"Omggggg it's my bitches!!!!" Lena said pulling me and Selena into a hug. Making me free from Kian's grip.

"Hey girl how are you?" I asked her.

"Good we need to hang out more." Me and Selena both nodded our heads to her statement. As Selena was distracted talking to Lena and Kian was talking to Adam I walked over to Diego.

"Heyyy." I said giving him a hug. He pulled me really close to his body. His touch made me weak.

"Hey ma. You lookin good tonight." He said pulling me out of our hug. I turned red in the face.

"You look even better." I replied back looking at him while biting my lip a little. He was in a red hoodie, a tan/dark blue letterman's jacket with a black hat and skinny jeans. He was sooooo freaking adorable. With his dorky smile and messed up teeth made him look even cuter. As I looked away from him I noticed Kian was already gone. I didn't see where he was .Oh well fuck him. Diego leaned into my ear to say something.

"Wanna get somthin to drink?" He asked me. I nodded my head in response. He took my hand and pulled me through the crowd to the kitchen.


I took my first shot and when I brought my head back down I saw Diego holding my GIRLFRIEND'S fucking HAND! He pulled her through the crowd of people. They headed towards this way to the kitchen. I put my shot glass down on the counter and turned my attention towards the entrance they were going to come through. There weren't a lot of people in here but enough to be a little crowded. As they walked into the large kitchen he still hadn't let go of her hand. I don't even think they saw me. They were too busy with each other. What the fuck has gotten into her? Their backs were to me now and she had finally let go of his hand. She got two red solo cups while he got jack and coke. They made the drinks to together then started talking and laughing. I wanted to beat his dumbass so badly right now. It was pretty loud in here from the music. I saw Diego lean into Megan and wrap one of his hands around her waist while the other one held onto his cup. He pulled her closer as was saying something to her. She smiled really big then placed her hand on the back of his neck to play with his hair. She said something back to him. They laughed and let go of each other. They both filled their cups again and as they did I walked over to them.

"Hey babe I was looking for you." I said. She jumped a little. She looked back at me and smiled. I smiled back as to how cute she was.

"Hi I didn't know where you were so I decided to come over and make me a drink." She said loud. I nodded and looked over at Diego. He took a sip from his cup not wanting to make eye contact with me.

"Hey where's your girlfriend?" I asked trying to put him on the spot. I could feel Megan shift under my arm that I has over her shoulder. He looked over at me uninterested at the subject.

"What you mean? I ain't got a girl." He said leaning on the counter a little.

"Yeah what's her name.....ummm Jess I think." I knew who he was before I met his friends. He's all over social media all the time. So I know his history with girls.

"Nah that's my ex she's crazy. Just last week right before you guys came over to the studio I had a huge fight with her cause she thought we were still dating." He explained. "But trust me I made it very clear that we were no longer a thing." He said taking another sip from his cup.

"Damn good for you." I said clearly getting nowhere with this conversation. I looked back down at Megan.

"Do you wanna go dance sweetie?" I asked her and she was stuttering a little bit.

"We were actually just about to head outside to smoke a blunt if you wanna come." I heard Diego say and Megan nodded and smiled. I agreed and we walked outside to see Steven, Lena, Adam, and Selena all sitting around the table.

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