•His house•

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I got in Diego's G wagon that was all black with tented windows. He opened my door for me and got in. He walked around and got in himself and started it up and drove to his house. I was kinda sobering up at this point. We talked a lot on the way about our lives. I talked about my family and he talked about his.

"What does your tattoos mean?" I asked him curious.

"Well candy is my mom's name and the other ones are to the rappers that we lost. But some of the other ones don't really have a meaning."

"Wow what do you do for a living with those on your face? I'm assuming you know a lot of people at that party. And most of them were pretty famous."

"Well that's for you to find out one day." He looked over at me and smile showing me his white teeth. What was he hiding from? Why couldn't he just tell me what he does for a living?

"I have a question for you." He said as his smile fades a little.

"Yeah what's up?" I asked.

"At the restaurant yesterday you were with some guy....is that your friend or boyfriend?" Shoot I was hoping he wouldn't ask me about that. I don't want to lie to him he seems to be a pretty nice guy. Ugh I hate Kian so much sometimes.

"He's..umm...my boyfriend sadly." I stuttered feeling a little ashamed that he was my boyfriend.

"Why sadly?"

"Eh he's just controlling as fuck and just a jackass towards me." I said trying to lose this topic cause I don't want to get into great detail about Kian and our relationship right now.

"Damn I'm sorry lil ma." He looked over at me and gave me a small smile. He then looked back at the road and continued on. After about 15 minutes he pulled into a driveway. He got out and came around to help me out.

"Your such a gentleman." I teased.

"I'm always polite to a pretty lady." I blushed at his words.

"You blush easily." He said grinning. Oh god it's that noticeable. I felt my face get even more red.

"It okay it's really cute on you." He looked down at me and grabbed my hand. We walked up to his house and he opened the door. He let me walk in first and took a glance around the house while he shut the door behind me.

"Alright lets get you into something more comfortable to wear." He said as he placed his hand slightly on my lower back as we walked up stairs.When we got to the top he moved me more to the right where first door was. We walk through and it was clearly his bedroom. There was a big bed in the middle of the room and walk-in closet with his own bathroom.

"Sit on the bed and I'll get you some clothes to wear." He said as he walked into his closet.

"Okay." I went and sat at the edge of the bed. I could hear things moving around and he finally came back out with a black and red xanarchy hoodie and some sweatpants to match.

"Here you go and there's a bathroom over there if you wanna get change in there." I nodded and grabbed the clothes out of his hand.

"Thank you." I smile and walked off to the bathroom. I locked the door and quickly put the hoodie on. I didn't bother to put the pants on cause the hoodie was long enough to cover me. I noticed I had a few missed calls from Kian but I just ignored it. I didn't want to think about him at all tonight I'll just deal with him tomorrow. I grab all my clothes and then my purse and walked back out. Diego only had sweatpants on. I saw that he had a chest tattoo and tattoos on his arms. Damn did he look good. I placed my clothes and purse on some chair in the corner of the room. And sat my phone down on a small dresser by the bed. I could feel Diego's gaze on my body. But I didn't mind it because it felt right.

"I think you look better in that hoodie than me." He giggled I turned my attention towards his way and saw him bit his lip slightly. Fuck he's hot. How can someone be that fine?

"I highly doubt that." I responded back and he smirked a little. He then pulled the blanket back for me to get under.

"What you mean ma?"

"I mean I'm not that pretty." He rolled his eyes at me.

"Yeah that's a straight up lie." He laughed and started to walk away. "Goodnight." He said about to leave the room.

"Wait." I blurt out kinda shocking myself.

"Yeah?" He looked back at me.

"Where are you going?" I asked not really wanting him to leave.

"My guess bedroom."

"Do you think you could stay in here with me?" I asked but more likely he was gonna say no.

"Of course ma." He said and I was taken back a little. He walked back over and got under the covers. We moved close to each other and he moved his head to the crook of my neck and his arms were around my waist.  I played with his soft black hair. I could feel his hot breath hitting my neck giving me the chills. He moved his head to look up at me with his beautiful green eyes. He leaned in and softly kissed me. I just felt myself melting under his touch. I grabbed a chunk of his hair in my hand as his hands became tight around my waist. It turned a little bit more tense. I pulled away before it got any further.

"Your so fucking beautiful Megan." He said in his hot sexy voice.

"So are you Diego." And with that we both cuddle and fell asleep together.

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