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This is a sequel to *Burgled Heart* Please take note, this is not a stand-alone sequel. This is a continuation to the story retaining the main characters in Burgled heart.

It's not a spin-off!

If you've already downloaded this book, pls don't start reading it yet, go back and read Burgled heart first, if not your head will be too chaotic to understand.

Ba ruwana to.

I hope those that are reading further are the fans of Burgled Heart.

After the heart was Burgled, in no time, that same heart was Thorned again.......


No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form, electronic, mechanical, or by information storage and retrieval, or posting in other media systems without the permission of the author..........because it's completely the product if the author's hard work and sweat!

Then here we go.......

Thorned Heart (Her Revenge Journey)  Where stories live. Discover now