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Her eyes could be rippling like the beach tides

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Her eyes could be rippling like the beach tides..........I almost got drowned while looking into it!


Amirah was laying down on her bed when maryam walked into the room. She got a place close to Amirah on the bed and poised her weight on it.

Amirah looked up to her, discerning an abrupt growth in the girl. She's growing into a woman. At sixteen, she almost caught Amirah in height, though she's very willowy, unlike Amirah.

Maryam had been a comfort for Amirah during hard days. She'd always been with her when she needed a shoulder to cry on. She'll let her cry to her heart content then leave her with a single sentence, 'be patient'.

She could remember clearly when they came back to Nigeria newly. The girl had met her crying out her heart. She had been having complications with her pregnancy, and the doctor said her blood pressure is high. Maryam had met her standing close to the window with a distant mind, gazing outside the window. Maryam had sneaked her arm in hers and placed her head on her shoulder.

"Adda Amirah you shouldn't worry too much."

"Why is pain so real and painful!"
Maryam heard her whispered, and that had made her craned her neck to look into her eyes.

"What do you mean?"

Amirah sighed blearily, looking more enervated than ever.

"I wish I'm like that tree, with no heart to worry and no pain to feel. I envy those creations that have no heart, at least they don't know what pain is." Amirah had reclined more of her weight on the window pane, her hand on the window frame and her face buried in her other palm.

"Adda Amirah stop it now, you're making me want to cry." Maryam had said ruefully.

Amirah had turned and faced her, bestowing the intense of dry, bleary face to her. "Maryam you'll never understand. You don't know how much it hurts me here," she rapped hard at her chest. "why is it even so painful? Why can't I just live without feeling a pain?" Her voice trudged out forcefully agonised, her face glinted not just by tears, but also by sorrow and peril ache in her heart.

Maryam embraced her tightly from behind. "I don't know how you're feeling adda Amirah, but you shouldn't give up completely. Just remember that as much as there's life, there's also hope, and God's with you. And pray for the best from him."

That statement had made the knot in her heart thawed a little.

And really, recalling those agonizing moment alone made her frail. How can she not even take her revenge on Amin?

She'll let him taste a little of what she went through acerbically. She'll make sure she made him taste the tart fruit of betrayal. He had taken her recklessly on a skating rink and then let her rolled off mercilessly on her own, and didn't care about the damage he'd caused her. She'll set his heart on fire and feed the remnant to ghouls.

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