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She made my mood so burly

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She made my mood so a folded waves!


If Amin had learned something in his life, is to bear blithely with pain, pretend as if everything is okay and present a happy façade to the people.

It was easy living, but it had never been easy for him ever since his separation with his wife. When even life itself had pointed an accusing finger at him, then even the harshness of nature he believe he can bear with.

Their food company will soon be a success though, he can perceive that already. He had left England a month ago and made Nigeria his new home after his cousin and uncle had helped made his dream of opening a food company in Nigeria a reality. He could have just let them run things for him as he had in plan initially, but instead, chose to stay and runs it himself, leaving collins to take care of their company in Devon.

It was a big blow to grandpa, Amin leaving him, but since they've all surmised why he decided to come to Nigeria, they let him be the way he chooses and silently prayed for him to find his true happiness.

And just reaching here, good fortune had struck an igniting success in their company. They've advertised their product in almost All the countries and they are getting amiable feed back. And now, this proposal came, to ally with one of the biggest company in the country to produce food for ten states under the FG budget.

"The voting is tomorrow and I got a good word from the Director himself that our company had more than half the Board's heart." Nasir, Amin's cousin and the one who helped brought their company into life said. He and his uncle Abdallah, an industrialist were the one's who built the company for Amin while he was in England.

Amin looked up from his seat and gave Nasir a wonderful smile. "That means we don't have to worry much."

"I guess. This is progress coming with full speed," Nasir's lips patted into a smile. "First, the order from Cameroun government, and now, this one. We've hit a jackpot!"

"That's because we work for the best not for much profit. Let's keep praying then." Amin folded his hands across his chest and stared blankly into thin air. "And may be, just maybe, one day the heart's quest to find happiness will be achieved, and then, striving and suffering will come to an end."

Nasir gaped at him, looking astoundingly at his cousin. And there he conceived there's a double meaning to what he'd said. But who is he to ask him or delve into that ambiguous statement he had made. Only time can heal a broken heart, if really the wound is not festering due to wrong medication.

For a while, no one said anything among the occupants of the office. Then Amin's eyes roved around the office and held his gaze at the window. The sunny beams had thrown it rays across the room, casting a warm and serene environment around them.

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