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Why do you always make me go crazy

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Why do you always make me go crazy............................after all is just.......................... Me&You


To say Amin wasn't shocked was an understatement. How could they hide such thing from him?

He recalled what appa had said;

'Amin, hiding it from you was the best thing for you at that moment. You were already in pain, and knowing this will cause more pain for you. So I told them not to tell you to save your sanity.'

How on earth is that suppose to be?!

God! The little girl sure looks so adorable. He had tried to comprehend what Appa meant but is inconceivable.

He knows they did it for him, so that he doesn't have to go through hard time after the divorce, but still, they should have told him.

But despite that he's a little bit angry, his happiness was beyond comprehension. He has a little girl. He's a father. God! That dippy smile couldn't leave his face.

Oh no! How he wished she's there with him, so that he'll sing song to her, tell her stories, kiss her cheeks and let her play on his laps. He so much love her already even without knowing she's his daughter. She looks so cute and chubby. Amin smiled idiotically as he sat on his bed.  He had left Amirah's house after a feeling of resentment and happiness had jumbled up on his countenance.

He wants to see Layla again!


"Really? Are you damn serious?"

"Bless my soul I find it difficult to believe too."

Amin had tried calling Collins the moment he got the news, but Collin's line wasn't going through. He had left voice note to Collins telling him to call him immediately he sees his message.

"You mean you have a gorgeous-lovable-adorable daughter with Amirah? God! I told you your path is not just meant to cross each again, you're destined for each other dude. Please try and work things out quickly so that we can have a brother for Layla."

Amin sighed and shook his head. "You're delusional bro. I told you nothing's working and is not like is going to work."

"I don't want you to believe that Amin. You're A believer, so keep praying and don't lose hope yet, okay?"

"Goodness! Collins I told you that woman hated me so much. She hacked the keys to my office door and put me in an uproar that almost caused my life. Is not like I won't want her to come back to me, but I just can't stand her hatred. Seriously is worst than the first time we got Married that she was all acting up."

"But she gave you blood."

"She gave me blood so that I won't die not because she cared about me."

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