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When the moon appears in full, the stars hide because they couldn't compete with it radiance!


Haidar sat reclined on the sofa in his guest house. He couldn't believe what just happened. He, Haidar Ali, being defeated. No. He must do something to reclaim his honour. He had never been defeated before and it won't happen now. How did the witch even know where he kept the disc? How did she know about his secret safe that's conceal by his desk?

He must have told her. Yes he could remember mentioning it to her then he was all covered with the mist of love.

And that she-devil, the big mouthed lawyer, he wish he can teach her a lesson. How dare she mess with him!

He was so mentally aloof and indifference that he wished everything in that sitting room will just transformed into his enemies so that he can pounce on them and quench his burning heart.

Roger, one of his men walked into the sitting room and sat opposite his boss to answer to his call.

"I'm here boss," Roger said and stared at Haidar.

"Roger," Haidar called slightly, when Roger answered, he went on. "Look at me very well, did I look pathetic?"

Roger shook his head after taking a glimpse of his boss, for he knew if he said the fact, a bullet will visit his brain that moment. "Boss we'll do anything to retain your honour." Roger asserted determinedly.

"Should I just kill that guy Amin?" Haidar looked towards Roger as if  begging for decision. But if he kill Amin, it might not grant him his wish as Amirah will hate him completely. What will he do then?

The mysteries in life regulations are beyond explantion by mere words. Some things can't just be gotten by being calm and waiting, you have to snatch it by all means if you really want it to be yours. There are laws that can be retained, and there are some that common sense will never hold on to. The law that not everything you want can be yours never apply in Haidar's life. Sometimes, breaking a bond makes you have an easy passage to go through. That's what he would do!

"Should we just silence him?"

"No Roger," Haidar smirked evilly as he pondered on something. "I've a nice plan that will make me marry her. I'm going to be a groom soon so get ready to arrange a wedding." He smirked again, this time a wide and fear-striken one for the one that sees it.


Amirah was in her room when Maryam announced to her the presence of Amin. Baffled, Amirah quickly dressed up and headed to the sitting room. She's just coming back from the court after the court sitting barely twenty minutes had passed, Amin should be at home resting by now so what is he doing in their house at this time?

Getting to the sitting room, she met him with layla on his lap.

"Amin what are you doing here I thought you will be resting by now?" She casted an inquisitive gaze at him before taking a seat close to his.

Amin smiled. "I missed you already so I said let me come and see you."

Amirah shook her head amusingly, baffled by his action. Someone that should be resting at home after spending three days at the police station is here trying to bewitched her with his sweet talk. Thank goodness he was able to shower and change before coming. "Amin," She gave him a warning glance. "Kindly go home and have a good nap before I lost my temper and call off the wedding." She mocked, and Amin smiled widely.

"Don't deceive yourself even if you call off the wedding you'll come begging me to marry you because you can't do without me." He smirked. "By the way, I came to know if the wedding will still hold on Saturday or if you've adjourned the date."

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