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Abuja, Nigeria

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Abuja, Nigeria.

No matter how dark the cloud could be, the sun will surely shine again!



The sonorous sound of her alarm clock attacked the tranquil quietness of the dimly lit room. Amirah tried not to mumble at the annoying sound of the clock as she was in the mid of enjoying her sleep, but got up groggily anyway and flicked on the side lamp. Light flooded the room instantly taking over the darkness of the room.

She glanced towards the wall clock in her room even after knowing that it must have clocked six. She had set her alarm in order not to be going to work late as she had lately developed the avocation of going to work late.

Getting up from her bed, she swished her feet against the concrete marble and tottered to the bathroom.

Taking more time to dress up, she finally made it to the sitting around 7:30. She was all draped in a skirt and blouse from a soft lace material and her veil hung limply on her shoulder. She looked charismatically elegant and ritzy with the air of an aristocrat.

The little girl sitting on the sofa close to ummu peered at her mother with a wide innocent eyes, blinking her eyes and waving for her mother to carry her..


Amirah smiled at her. She lowered herself stoopingly and scooped the little girl in her arms. "Layla I'm going to work, be a nice little girl okay?"

The little girl nodded assuringly. 

"ummi buy me shocolate."

"I will nour, okay?"

Amirah dropped her, greeted her mum and had a cup of tea hastily before walking out of the house, bidding her mother goodbye and waving back at layla that was busy fluttering her small chubby hands on air.

The atmosphere of the placid city colled her as she stepped outside the house. At twenty-five, Amirah looks more like a teenage girl of eighteen. With a striking figure and a hypnotic smile, you could hardly resist her charms. She had been flamboyantly refined in appearance and now held a classy and highly stylish figure. And her character, well, a little altered from the gentle naivety to a much sophisticated and lubish feature.

She got into her car and pulled off steadily on the road to her office. After a fifteen minutes drive, she pulled at a naked space specially reserved for her in the company.

She's a major share holder in the company and works in the company as the marketing director. It was easier for her to secure that position because her cousin is the one who holds the ownership of that company.

She trudged up the stairs to her office at the third floor holding her bag, thinking of how drastic her life had taken a change within two and a half years of divorce. It was fear and extreme anger that made her fought the eerie monsters in the name of loneliness that had loomed over her after her divorce.

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