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I've never dreamt I'll lose my beauty

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I've never dreamt I'll lose my beauty........... in the hands of my beast-lover!


Amirah sat on a stool close to the balcony window watching the flying of activities outside through the glass window, the event of the day tumbling back to her mind. Her parent were more than shocked when they learnt of what had happened, and couldn't be less grateful to Amin. Her mother had called Amin instantly, thanking him and shedding tears of happiness for having to save her daughter. Her father too had spoken to him and even kabir had called and praised him for a well done job. And of course she didn't tell them it was Haidar's girlfriend that did that to her. She only told them the exact story, removing the part beauty had played as she'd told Amin.

When she called Haidar and told him what had happened, in the span of ten minutes, he was already in their house. He just left after staying with her and consoling her for a very long time. He's the only one she told the exact story of what had happened without editing the script.

As soon as Haidar left, she walked up to her room and plunged her life in her thought.

What could have happened if Amin didn't show up? She'll ever be grateful towards Amin for that. But that can't scrap the resentment she had bored towards him, though she will feel terrible striking him with her sword of anger again.

What baffles her that she couldn't ask was how he knew she was there and went to rescue her. He's really valiant and strong to be able to deal with those two thugs at the same time. She remembered how angrily and swiftly he kept giving them blows, his eyes darken with rage and his muscles bulging in his shirt.

Amirah sighed and got up just as the azan for magrib began proclaiming. She needed to go and thank Allah for saving her life and her dignity through Amin.


Haidar Clenched his fist as he paced up and down in his sitting room. He was just coming from Amirah's house and had to stay with her for long to pacify her. She really looked broken by what had happened. Thank God they didn't carry out their evil plan, else, he'll have to kill someone.

And beauty.........she'll surely pay for what she did to Amirah, a very big prize to pay. It pains him so much to see the pain in Amirah's eyes, and all because of beauty's stupidity. He had told her several times 'it's over' between them but she kept clinging to him like a louse. He'll let her see his true color.

She still doesn't know who Haidar is!

He brought his phone from his pocket and searched his contact after a number which he dialed immediately after seeing it and placed the phone on his ear.

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