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You're the sunshine in my world!


Amirah hurriedly scooted towards Amin that was busy honking the car for her to get out fast. They were going to the company and Amirah was just slowing them down dilatorily due to one reason or the other. They came back from Spain three days back and are about to resume work.

"Can you slow down Mr." Amirah snarled as she hurried towards Amin that was still horning on her. "I'm almost there," she quickly caught up with him and pulled the car door wide open, then hopped in before smiling at the intruder.

"I thought you won't make it in an hour," Amin commented as he pulled the car off. "Nasir had been calling reminding me of our morning meeting and it's already past nine."

"And that says you should honk off my brain." She gave him a perky glare just as he was about to start the car, and Amin in return pulled her cheek slightly before turning on the steering wheel and whirring the car away.

Once they got to the company, Amin pulled the car on and they both hurried towards their offices just as Nasir came out of the building on survey.

"God, the staffs are tired of waiting Mr. M.D.," Nasir quipped with a smile, and Amin smiled back at him at the same time Amirah said Salam to him, and he answered perkily.

They all headed to their offices to keep their bags before shrothing to the meeting room.


Amin padded into her office sighing exhaustedly after going through series of efforts to make an efficacious plan work for the new food preservatives development they just discussed in the meeting room a while ago.

He sighted her sitting on the couch, and without caution, he padded towards her, flopped on the couch next to her and placed his head on her laps warily.

"Having a hectic day huh?" She looked down at him and grazed her hand in his short hair gently, assuasively, and Amin looked up to her and let out a weary gasp.

"I came for a kiss to replenish my lost energy."

"You're not serious are?"

"I'm serious," Amin whined like a child and sidled a little on her laps. "I want it here." He pointed at his lips, and Amirah smiled and shook her head.

"You know we're at work, what if Nasir just badged in,"

"And I'm here," the door budged open revealing a grinning Nasir, and Amin grunted in slight annoyance.

"Why must you come at this time huh?" He glared slightly at Nasir, and Amirah smirked and thumbed up at Nasir. "Not even saying Salam." Amin grunted the more.

"Well," Nasir got a place and sat down. "I said Salam which no one heed." He reclined on the seat and smirked blatantly. "I won't blame you two because you're a little bit carried away." He tilted his attention on Amirah that was busy smiling down at her husband's grumpy face. "If you won't mind putting his head up, I'll like us to discuss on the exporting procedures you asked me to handle."

"Either you talk not minding my head, or you go out and let us finish our gist." Amin looked up to Amirah and smiled mischievously. "Should he walk out so we can finish our gist?" He tilted the question on her with mischief dancing in his tone, and Amirah flicked him on his forehead before flinging his head away from her laps.

"We need to discuss business, so get out."

And as Amin got up to leave, still glaring at Nasir grumpily as Nasir was busy smirking at him, he quickly stole a kiss on Amirah's lips before darting away quickly to save himself from being spanked.

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