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A dirty stream can never pollute the ocean by flowing into it.


The stolid air whirled around with difficulty as the Sunrise glared downward intensely and complected the ambience. Amin jaunted out of the house and trailed after Nasir that was some steps ahead of him to the car. They both hopped into the car and Nasir ignited the car as the gentle cry of the engine ruffled the atmosphere and robbed it of its sereneness.

Amin rubbed his Palm down his face and sighed. "I wonder if the flour mill operator had reset the crushing speed as I told him to, that is getting our work lagging..." Amin breathed,  His mind teeming with ideas on how to unravel his supposed tight schedule of the day.

"I think it will do good if we use another mechanism on the rice plant too," Nasir enunciated, reflecting a little as he drove on the road. "It will be more efficient I guess. That reminds me, you still couldn't recall how you got tangled almost senseless at the back of the main building? This is frightening." Nasir couldn't conceal the astonishment on his face as he stole a glance towards Amin. That's bizarre to believe someone like Amin will just formulate such kind of story. Amin couldn't make it home the previous day until ten in the night with the excuse that he'd lost consciousness only to find himself at the back of the main building into the darkness of the night. Nasir will never spurn what Amin said though he finds it strange that such thing have to happen in the company when they just reopened. The devil's at work again.

Amin's eyes narrowed as he stared unblinkingly at the road as their car sped past bunch of cars on the high way. He still couldn't unravel the mystery that happened to him the previous day too. One side of his mind is still resonating that something insidious is about to happen again. It can't just be normal that someone will hit him on the head and left him stranded at the back of the building without hurting him. If it is Haidar, he should have harm him, or rather, kill him by now. Maybe the hapless incident happens to be one of his ploys too as the guy is too unconventional to act like a normal person. He could stop at nothing to vitiate people's life if they happen to get on his way. He'd heard enough gist about the guy's eccentric characters that are beyong castigation by the law as he always have his way because he has people to back him every time he comitted actrocities.

"I'm just wishing it has nothing to do with Haidar," Amin blew hot air from his mouth nervously, then went on, "Because if he does anything stupid I might act stupid too." He threatened, even though the person it should be directed to wasn't there to listen.

"But what gave you the idea that it might be Haidar?" Nasir questioned, mentally contradicting Amin's claim.

"That guy gave me a silent threat at the eatery some days back, so I guess he's planning something." Amin spouted indignantly. "And I've heard enough of his sinister acts that do prevaricate."

Silence settled in the car for a while as the noise from the street cars dominated within them. Their discussion then drifted off to business and how to improve their company before Nasir whirred the car to the gate of their company. The gateman pushed the gate open for them and bowed slightly in greeting.

Amin nodded at the gateman so do Nasir.

Nasir pulled the car at the parking lot and they all came out and walked shoulder to shoulder to the main building.

In the following moment, Amin dropped his back on his desk and decided to check if Amirah is around already.

Her office was partially agape, so he poked his head in with Salam.

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