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I'm a lioness when it comes to the kingdom of the jungle!


Amirah Sat perplexed in her room. She had told Haidar she'll marry him tomorrow. She can't watch Amin suffer for what he didn't do. She felt a sickening pang that defied all reasonings and threatened to make her unstable. What will she do now, she contemplated bleakly.

She left her room and went to her mother's room to have some peace; May be an advice that will subdue the tumult that's rising in her heart. May be she needed water to quench the fire that's burning in her. It seems a volcano had erupted in her ejecting poisonous gases all around her to make her miserable.

As soon as she entered her mother's room, he went to her mother and buried her face on her chest and cried silently.

"Ummu what should I do? I'm confused and shattered. After I thought everything is okay and now this is coming again. I don't know what to do." She kept crying silently.

Ummu held her and patted her in a motherly love. "All you need to do is pray, In Sha Allah everything will be settled by the Grace of God. I'm praying for you too. The wicked will never succeed in their evil scheme. Haidar will never get what he wanted, and Amin will be free."

Amirah sniffed that mingled with a sigh. She felt the blister in her heart healing slowly as her mother talked wisdomly to her. Her mother doesn't know that she'd resolve to marry Haidar to put an end to his treachery.

"Ummi why are you crying." Layla patted her on her back too.

Amirah craned her neck to layla then complected her into her chest. "My heart is aching layla. Pray for you dad okay."

"What happen to him?" Layla pouted.

"Some bad guys are trying to harm him."

Layla nodded her head then wiggle out and ran outside to play with her aunt.

A little later, Amirah got ready to take lunch to Amin. She'd decided to tell him of her plan.

Once she'd reached the station, the constable on the counter, the same constable she met in the morning, grinned at her in cognizant and lead her to the waiting center before going for Amin. This time they didn't even ask her to taste the food she brought. Money's good, she thought.

Amin was brought out once more, but this time, he looked a little settled and perkiness shines from his countenance.

Amirah greeted him with a smile that reflected his own smile.

"Hope you've eaten the break fast I brought for you?" She arrested him with her gaze, and he nodded.

"I couldn't even finish it so I gave it to the constables. They're being nice to me after you bribed them." He jested.

"The evil flunkies!" Amirah sneered, and Amin grinned.

"But you're not the one that cooked that breakfast."

Amirah shook her head. "Even the lunch too." She asserted. "Ummu is scared if I enter kitchen I might burnt it down by now."

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