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I'll reclaim what's rightfully mine

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I'll reclaim what's rightfully mine..........even if it means paddling under the storm!


Amirah parked at the frontier of the supermarket. She wanted to get Haidar a gift, probably a card with an endearment words.

She walked into the shop and took a survey around the card and perfume area. After all pale-look examination, she got what she wanted and also got some chocolate for Layla.

Walking towards her car, she handed a beggar that was tottering close to her car some change and walked away.

She drove to the company, thinking as the kira'a of Al-sudais filled the silence in the car.

As she entered the company, right close to where she usually park her car was a car being parked.

She parked her car beside it and came out. Surveying the car, she read the plate no. 'A. Jilpa'. Wow! So Amin parked his car in her space. Today's his second day in the office he has no idea,

Stroll on!

A mischievous idea hurled on her mind. She looked at the car again, nodded and smirked.


Amin had just finished taking a ramble around the company. He walked towards Amirah's office, before he could get close, he heard a guffaw rising from the office in a male voice.

Haidar Ali.

Why's he always in her office?! Oh, right? She's his wife to be. He gave a slight peep into the half gape door as he passed by. He sighted Haidar sitting on the seat, one of his leg on top the other.

When Amin returned to his office, he put his head on the desk and yawned. He barely had a wink last night. By the time he finished the work Amirah had given to him, it was 4 am already. He had sent the work to her mail as early as 6 o'clock, but she didn't even check on him to tell him well done.

What a mean creature!

Of course she can do more than that since she can frame him to make him lost his company. He had to stand up and fight for his right. He had to figure out her scheme and crash it to save her reputation from collapsing completely in his eyes.

The ringing of his phone put an end to his musings. He picked up and placed the phone on his left ear, his head still on the desk.

"Hello, Collins what's up?"

"Good. How're you?"

"I'm doing great. I was just sleepy I have to finish that work Amirah gave me yesterday. It was hectic bro."

Collins was quiet for a while.

"Bro, I told you to abandon everything and come back. How could you work under someone when you're used to being boss yourself? Leave all your scheme and come back let's keep making this our company a progress."

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