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When I know I've been walking a lonely path all the way

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When I know I've been walking a lonely path all the way.............................why should I be scared of being Attacked!


She looked closely at his smirking face, sighing audibly as she let out the fear that had been lurked in her for a while.

"Haidar what are you doing here?" She couldn't mask the surprise that surfaced visibly on her face.

Haidar's smirk turned into a pleasant smile. "Setting a trap on you," he moved closer to her but she retreated backward, that fear coming back in full force.

What the heck is he up to?!

Hope he's not trying to do something bad to her? Any way, she'd already told the staffs to come after her twenty minutes if she didn't make it back to them.

"What kind of trap is that?" She asked, her eyes full of horror and her mouth hung open in clear bewilderment.

Haidar stood still, sensing her horror. "Love, are you scared of me?"

"A little bit." She breathed, trembling slightly. "Can you tell me what type of trap you're talking about?"

"To know if really you trust me or not, and to know the extent to which our relationship will get to." He smirked, and Amirah sighed.

"You mean you're the message sender?"

His eyes glinted with mischief. "Of course. And you fell for it Amor."

She huffed again, this time, angrily. "You have no idea what you've put me into."

"I'm so sorry love, I apologise. Should I be on my knees now?" He raised an inquisitive eyebrow, and she waved away with a smile.

"Is okay. But don't try that next time or I'll skin you alive." She pointed a warning finger at him, and he nodded assuringly with a wicked smile.

"I won't want to die yet, so I won't try it again. Now let's go I have something to show you."

"Where did you parked your car?"

"At the other end." He pointed to his left side.

"my car is at the charity house what do we do now?"

"We'll talk to them tomorrow you will come and pick it."

Amirah couldn't stop wondering why Haidar played her that way, though a kind of relieve fell over her. Thank goodness is nothing worst to expect. She was already freaking out thinking of what they might tell her about her fiancé. She had sighed heavily countless times with relieve flooding over her. She felt the intangible presence of self assurance now, and knowing that Haidar was just testing her is enough to bring back the trust she had for him, though she felt a little bit of annoyance for making her go through that. It seemed he doesn't trust her completely, and that's a little ache itself.

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