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Why should I care if I walk on thorns

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Why should I care if I walk on far as I'll get to where you are!


They were walking down the factory surveying the new machines that just came in from china.

"Nasir I think what we'll do first is to test their efficiency before taking the next step." Amin said looking askance at the new machines, and spinning the handle of a mechanical flour mill.

"I've called the operator for that. He'll soon be here though." Nasir said as he peered at the label on the molding machine, sliding his finger on the label to do away with dust and read the amount of power it hold and the effort that can be imposed on it which was written on the label.

"How about the interview and test with the new operators, has it gone well?" Amin asked, looking slightly backward, towards Nasir.

"Yeah, Mr. Moses took charge of that, 11 people qualified out of 25 that showed up."

"That's good to hear. I think we should go back to the office now."

They walked back to the office.

"Amin I wanted to ask you, how did you managed to stop that scandal?" Nasir flopped on the sofa, just the right time Amin sat on his chair too.

"It was my friend, Collins that did that. There wasn't tracking id on the site, the person sure knows how to do it. But thankfully, it was stopped at last."

Amin's thought went back to Amirah's threat. He won't swear, but he's sure she's the one that did it. He remembered when he went to her office last three weeks that she poured hot tea on his head. Though the burnt didn't leave a blister, but it sure did pained him for a while. Could she be any worst than that? They've managed to stop this, so he'll wait for her next move. She did mean it when she says she's going to take revenge on him.

And he just can't tell anyone because he doesn't want people to look down at her as if she's a bad person.

He sighed and reclined on the chair. After all he's losing her again, so whether she hates him or not, it doesn't matter to him anymore. He'll move on with his life as usual.

"Fadila had been asking of you," Nasir said, and Amin craned his neck and peeked towards him. "She wanted me to give her your number."

"I don't think that's a wise thing to do." Amin reclined back his head on the chair noddle.

"Just play around with her and dump her," Nasir giggled slightly. "That's what her type needed, just a one time fling. And that's why they will not stop scowering after men and professing their love on any one they met on the road."

"I'm not that kind, and I'm beseeching Allah to protect me from their kind." Amin trailed off, recalling his awful encounter with ladies after his divorce. Ladies had been clustering all around him that at one time he thought they took his divorce as a blessing for them.

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