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Now, I want to open up to the reason why I started writing this book in the first place.

The first thing that came to my mind when I planned to pen down a story was the issue of demonic possession (evil jinns). I've seen more than ten marriages wrecked due to jinn possession, and the worst thing is that the couple are head over toe in love with each other, but can never live in peace because of havoc caused by the evil jinns to their lives.

Firstly, the inspiration to write this book came to me when I witness my cousin suffered a marital failure due to jinn possession. In her first marriage, they were leaving happily before the attack started. Things started going wrong with their lives to the extent that none of them could sleep in the night. Sometimes, the jinns will attack the husband and make him suffer till day break, till at length they made him to divorce her. It was a painful thing as both of them cried on the day of the divorce because they love each other. Her second marriage too ended that way, her third and fourth too.

Why should we suffer the evil of those hideous creatures?!!!

Allah created us and them to worship Him as he said in the Holy Qur'an;

'And I have not create man and jinn except to worship me....'
         (Al-Dhariyat, 56)

The most painful one was of one of our family friend. They warned the girl's parent not to get her married if not they will kill her because they're married to her already.

Please how can an invisible creature (djinn) marry a visible human being? Is funny right? I found it difficult to believe too.

As I was saying,  the parent didn't heed their warning and went ahead with the wedding. They warned them again and again, but thinking they're praying hard already, they went ahead with the wedding. You can't believe what happened? They killed the girl on her wedding day. But we believe it was her time to depart the world, no one can stop that. My aunty too told me of an incident where by the jinns killed the girl on her wedding day.


Several cases like that happens and we do witness it in our lives. When I was in secondary school, hardly a day passed without someone being possessed by a jinn. There was a time when I was in junior class, we were asked to sweep the middle portion in the night as a punishment. While we were sleeping, one girl among us just shouted loudly and fell to the ground. Knowing it, we quickly rushed her to the mosque for prayers. When prayer started by the Amir, the jinn spoke that she swept their new born  baby and killed him. That they're going to make her mad for that. Believe me she started doing crazy things like undressing in the class. God! They have to take her home for serious prayers before she was delivered.


Another one was one friday like that, one of us washed her uniform and poured away the dirty water close to the gutter, unknowimgly that she poured it on a jinn that had dressed in white and was going to the mosque.  The wife of the jinn entered the girl's body for that to take revenge for her husband.

For goodness sake can't we live our lives and they live their lives too?

Just to pour away dirty water had turned into something bad. We can't see them so why will they torture our lives because they're invisible to us. We have to pray hard for security against evil jinns. They have the Muslims and God-fearing kind and they also have the wicked ones just like humans.

The Qur'an said about a jinn speaking;

'And among us are the righteous folks, and among us there are far from that. We're sects having different rules, '

'And there are among us who surrendered to Allah, and there are among us the unjust.'

Among them are the good muslims and the evil ones too. And some of them are very stubborn and doesn't easily react to prayers. Is like a stubborn child, when his father beat him because he stole, he will only cry and the next day he'll do it again and again. That's how some of them are, no matter the prayers, they won't yield easily.

But we just have to keep praying.

That is why I decided to put it in my own way as a story for awareness. They do come to humans in any way. When I was in boarding house I was always there were they're doing exorcism, and believe, me is a scary thing.


'........Verily, he (shaitan) and his soldiers from the (jinns) or his tribe see you from where you cannot see them.'
               (Al-A'araf, 27)

'O assembly of jinns and mankind! Did there not come to you messengers from amongst you, reciting on to you my verses!

So, Allah created us both the jinns and humans to worship him, not to inflict pain on us because we can't see them.

We can only escape their tyranny through prayers. Lets pray hard and Insha Allah, Allah will save us from their wickedness.

May Allah help us through and save us against the evil of the evil ones.


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